3: Romance Ragnarok

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Romance Ragnarok

Somehow, Ruff managed to dodge from man to man, eating three steak entrees and swigging far more alcohol than any sane person would touch. She almost gave herself away by calling Snotlout 'Fish'...but claimed she said 'fresh!' instead. Though Astrid could see that the stocky man was so drunk he missed the slip anyway. But she watched her very drunk friend stagger from man to man and already knew it was only a matter of time before she gave herself away...while she and Hiccup spent the time cheering Fishlegs up and chatting as if they had been friends her whole life.

She sighed. Hiccup was kind, generous and listened to her moans, though he was willing to share his own disappointments when pressed. He had a very quick wit, a delightfully sarcastic sense of humour and an observant eye and she cursed her own stupidity in ignoring him at school. And she thanked Thor that she had been granted another chance to spend time with him because he was everything her ex was not and his presence menthe evening she had been dreading had turned into one of the best nights of her life. They were idly staring at their puddings and sharing them sundae idly when two of the serving staff sidled up and Hiccup's eyes widened and he lurched to his feet.

"Guys!" he greeted them joy lighting his face as a raven-haired young woman and a buff man with cropped carrot hair, three wide 'claw' tattoos over his left eyes and scars on his other cheek. Both were in the black uniform of servers which didn't deter the auburn-haired man from hugging them both strongly. The girl hugged him fiercely then back away-and her eyes fell on the blonde.

"Astrid!" she gasped and Astrid gaped.

"Heather?" she breathed and jumped up to hug her former friend. "Thor-I haven't seen you since you suddenly left the first week of Senior Year..."

"I'm so sorry," the raven-haired girl said, her green eyes filled with regret. "Our parents died and my brother needed me so I had to bail." She sighed. "I dropped out and then went back and did Senior Year the next year in BA, closer to home." Astrid hugged her back and then pulled back.

"I should have tried harder as well but you know...Theo and College and then...disaster..." she apologised. "Can we...maybe hang out...?" Heather smiled, her pretty face lit with pleasure.

"I'd love that," she admitted. "So what's been happening? You and Hiccup, eh?" Astrid blushed.

"Much longer story than we have time of rnow..." she began as a gentle voice interrupted.

"Heather?" The girl spun, her braid hitting her left cheek.

"Fishlegs?" she gasped. "I mean Felix...how have you been?" Fishlegs rose, smiling.

"I-I'm good...and you?" he managed and she smiled.

"Better for seeing you," she admitted. "Are you here with someone?" Fishlegs invited her to sit in the vacant chair opposite.

"Apparently not," he admitted. "So tell me where you've been and what's been happening..."

"Have you still got Meatlug, your British Bulldog?" Heather asked him eagerly. "She was such a sweetie..." Fishlegs's face lit up happily.

"Oh, she's still going strong!" he said eagerly. "Have you still got Windshear, your Wimeraner?" Heather nodded eagerly.

"She's had puppies recently," she said eagerly. "You've gotta come round and see them-they are so cute! And Windshear will love to see her friend..." Astrid stared at her friend, shocked that Heather was back and Heather turned her welcoming green gaze on her friend. "And you need to come too. Bring Stormfly! I know she'll enjoy the company..."

"So are you back in Berk now?" Astrid checked. "Last I heard you'd headed over to Berserk..." Heather grinned.

"We came back three weeks ago-and I didn't know you were here," she admitted. "I stopped by your parents' house but there was clearly a new family living there and I didn't have any contact details..."

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