"Oh, Good Morning Tina! You're quite early today, yeah?" He greets with a huge grin showing just above his goatee as he goes pass me. Bae thinks it looks good on him but I really think he needs a shave.

"Yeah, I uhh.. woke up early." I respond with a weak smile that I have been giving them for the past 10 years.

"Is there some kind of reason to that?" He asks, still turning his back on me while heading to the kitchen where Bae was. He turns his head to for my answer and I shake my head 'no' in response. A little later he goes closer to Bae and leans to give her a kiss on her forehead. Love. I don't quite understand it. Does it numb all the pain? Or cause pain? My curiosity always gets the best of me.

"Tina! Where're you heading?" Bae asks, with a voice filled with worries. Surely she is as anxious as I am. What am I doing, actually? And then, I find myself holding the door's handle, as if about to leave.

"Oh, I was going to the mall. Alone. I'm sorry to worry you." I lie, trying to relieve her worries for her adopted child. I immediately left the house. I'm lucky that I decided to change earlier. If not, it would have put me to shame in front of my foster parents or maybe in front of the door even. It always seems like I can go out of my mind when I think about that thing they call love. I mean we all know this term gets praised for its flowery ideals. But ugh it hurts them either way. And again here I am, hailing a cab. What the hell, Tina. I decided to go on and do what I'm trying to do. The cab took me to my favorite bar, The Hard Rock Bar. I would prefer clubs but in bars, there's what you call solace. Drinking has been a hobby of mine lately. I decided to take a seat next to a curly dude.

"You're new here, I see. What's your name, curly?" I ask, hoping to hear a response but instead there was silence. Indeed, my thought about this bar being peaceful has just been proven correct. I decided to take a quick glance at the bartender, a sign to order. I've been going to this bar for about 6 months now. So, he already knows what drink I'd want.

"I don't bite. C'mon, talk." I say, attempting to make him talk. Shit, why am I even doing this?

"Leave me alone. Go deal with your own issues." Curly replies, while giving me a glance. Green eyes. I've always wanted to have green eyes but well, we're stuck with blue.

"Curly is rude." I tease, loud enough for him to hear.

"Would you stop calling me curly?" He groans.

"Then tell me your name, curly." I reply back, hoping for him to give in.

"I fudging told you to stop!" He stands up, fist smashing the table. Two facts about curly. One is that he has temper issues. Two, he doesn't even curse.

"And I told you to fucking tell me your name. Now sit down." I reply, using my almost calm voice. All eyes were now on these two crazy fellows.

"Fine. I'm Harry Styles." He says, politely sitting down. Everyone's faces were now turned back like earlier. He's biting his nails, probably a habit for anxiety.

"'Styles', I could see that you're rich. What seems to be the problem?" His family seems to own every building here. They had all the luxury that anyone could wish for. By anyone, excluding myself. I turn my head, waiting for his story to tell.

"Won't tell you, lass. The name's already enough, yeah?" He replies. Lass? Really?

"You're the gentleman kind of Styles, aren't you?" I ask.

"Well, different from the rest, yeah." He's so wasted.

"You should go home. This is not a place for you." I say.

"Aww, she cares." He replies and grins like a cat.

"Stop it." I had like these sort of self defense classes when I was younger. By self defense, I mean I can kill anyone. He seems like the pervert that I would kill. He's a guy with curly hair, green eyes, and money. And I never trust people with money.

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