Chapter 11 - Hard times...

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(Bruce Pov)

I could see Ty wanted to go for them but I can't let that happen... I grab Ty's arm before he could go back.

he looked at me "w-we need to go help them" Ty said I shook my head "we need to stay alive and when people scream it shows it's unsafe there" I whispered

I knew it sounded mean or horrible but we just saw Adam die...

Ty looked down "w-what if it's our friends" Ty said "our friends are boys not girls" I whispered Ty nodded slowly,

the screams were still there... J-JESSIE!" she screamed "M-Morgan!" a different girl screamed we both walked away from them... we both knew it was useless anyway,

"w-why do people have to die" Ty whispered I just sigh I really didn't know why...

"This is how it was meant to be" Tyler's voice said "that's it! Are you stalking us?" I shouted angry I heard him giggle as he was in fount of us now

"it been a long time when I've seen people like you" he giggled out a big smirk on his face "Leave us alone!" I shouted this guy was making me angry more by the second.

"Awe but I just want to make small talk" he said the smirk turned into a big smile showing teeth...

I felt Ty get closer to me "w-what do you want?" Ty whispered I could tell he was getting scared "too late to ask me that, you can just find out yourself... I'll be watching" Tyler said giggling then he was gone...

"I do not like that guy" I said gritting my teeth together, "same" Ty whispered I sigh but kept walking with Ty by my side I won't lose Ty like Seto... 

(Ty Pov)

I kept thinking, what was that thing Tyler wanted to talk about... and what did he mean by you can find out by ourselves? I felt cold...

I felt Bruce hold my hand my cheeks were warm but it wasn't the same...

"Hey look over there" Bruce said pointing at something I couldn't see because I didn't really have good eyes because of my bang in front of my left eye

"what is it?" I asked as we kept walking I felt Bruce going a bit faster,

"Bruce?" I asked I felt him let go of my hand as he bent over and picked up a purple necklace... "It's Seto's" Bruce whispered I looked at him weird

"how do you know? I've never seen him wear that" I said. "I g-gave it to him today before this ever happened" Bruce whispered.

(Bruce Pov flash back)

I watched as Seto got in front of the school sweating I laughed at him "oh boy why you running?" I asked looking down at Seto who seemed to be tried

"you know, waking up late" Seto said blushing he pulled out a paper man "I had to print this so we can all do a charm" Seto said smiling,

I giggled at how cute he was "I can't wait" I said giving him a smile

I was holding a black box "what's that?" Seto asked pointing at the small box. "I-it's a gift" I said blushing I could see Seto blush

 "f-for me?" Seto said surprise I nodded blushing more he open the box to see a purple necklace it had a shiny stone inside

"l-let me put it on you" I said blushing putting it on for him... "t-thank you Bruce" Seto said blushing hugging me.

(Flash back ended Seto Pov)

We were walking until we heard screaming of girls... "t-that could be our friends" Emily said rushing off with Sans following so I ran after them.

"J-JESSIE!" a girl's voice shouted "t-that's not our friends" Sans said "yah but we need to help them!" Emily shouted we all ran down the halls pasting all the corpses

"M-Morgan!" a girl screamed but the screams were fading...

"Hurry up!" Emily shouted scared. I was breathing hard I couldn't handle the running...

we all could hear a girl crying...

"This door!" Sans shouted we all opened the door to see a blue light and two girls...

one was crying but it seemed like she was being hold up by the hair and the other girl was on the ground bleeding seemed like she got stabbed a lot... I looked back at the girl Sans tried rushing to her but got throw back into Emily,

the girl was looking at the roof then my eyes winded... her throat was slice a small cry came out her mouth then she was on the ground bleeding...

her eyes winded s-she was still alive...

I was standing there I felt like if I moved I would die... I didn't even know I was holding my breath until everything was getting blurry...

the blue light walked past us... leaving the two girls behind... "We were too late" Emily cried into Sans's chest...

I fell to the ground... I saw it happen... I couldn't do anything...

"Sans?" a small voice called out "Paps!" Sans shouted scared he ran out the room making us run after him, "Paps I'm coming!" he shouted.

Emily had tears in her eyes "w-we got to get there before that blue thing!" she shouted

"h-how old is Paps?" I asked breathing hard "h-he's only 12!" Sans shouted

"S-Sans?" the small voice asked again. We heard the same small boy's voice but with horror "SANS!" the boy cried out "PAPY!" Sans shouted

we ran into a classroom to see a small boy wearing a bright red cape and blue shorts his hair grey like Sans's hair he was under the blue ghost that has a knife...

it stabbed the small boy "PAPY!" Sans shouted "Sans!" Paps screamed out scared

he got stabbed again "s-sans" he whispered...

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Sans shouted angry he ran into the ghost pushing the ghost...

it was a boy... no... my eyes winded

"ADAM!" I screamed out horror I cried harder Adam was covered in blood and had tears running down his cheeks he was crying "T-Ty" he cried more

he was slowly walking to Sans who was getting ready for a fight...

I couldn't move again "c-come on Papy" Emily whispered I could see that she was picking Paps up blood was getting onto Emily...

"s-sorry Ty" Adam cried more I felt more tears in my own eyes "bring it!" Sans shouted angry "No one hurts my brother!" he shouted again running to Adam,

Adam just grabbed Sans's neck when he ran to him...

"s-stop" I begged I was on the flour by this time... I heard Sans gasp for air... I heard Emily scream in horror then running...

she left me...

I was still on the flour I looked up at Adam to see him looking down at me...

Corpse party 2 (Skylox Merome SetoSolace) (Finished)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin