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I run. I run and I run and I never stop. Why? What is my reason? I'm to escape, to get away from the horror that pursues. The world has ended and time will only come to an end now. That is what I'm living on. Time.


I was fifteen when it happened. I was a typical child, enjoying my school life and my friends. Not anymore that all came to an end when they came. They started off a small number but when their numbers grew the survivors numbers shrank. Friends and family became like them to pursue and to find those that survived. My farther... he was the first to go he took my mother with him. The look in her eyes told me to run, but I could not my body was stoned to the ground watching farther hurt mother tearing her like a plastic bag and throwing her contents out. A man? A man came to my side and picked me up like I was nothing, like I was a garden ornament he wanted to move. My mind went blank as I was carried away all the while watching mother and farther embrace each other one last time.


That was 25 years ago. The man who saved my life was killed 5 years after the outbreak. Shot in  cold blood by a group of survivors who took this world like a fucking video game. Many people dispersed into groups trying to survive and move forward. Bandits had taken refuge in the streets looting and killing anything that moved. Some survivors only lasted weeks after the first attack. But yet... I survived. I live alone wondering from place to place, always running away from my mother and farther. I left them to rot and die I watched them as they suffered and did nothing. So I run. I loot rundown building homes no longer being used. Need food. Need water. The only problem to me is them. They walk around aimlessly looking for an answer? No... looking for food. Just like me. Well they can't have any not that theirs much left to go around. My group are long gone, either dead or ran away in fear. Either way I'm alone... I've always been alone.


Here I am, London. Whole worlds gone to shit but I need to find home I need to find my parents and put them to rest once and for all. As I enter this decrepit city the streets start to line with houses many looted years ago by others. I see a light from a window in a nearby house, a loud bang then, darkness. When I come too their is a survivor in a kitchen cooking. I must have been brought into one of the homes. A small child sits at the end of my feet poking my toes with a toy car. I kick him off and slowly sit up. Pain rushes through my head. I reach up and feel a bandage and gauze. The survivor comes over to me, a woman  dark skin and fair hair. I dart a look at her scouting for answers as to who she was. She put a plate of food in front of me. Something I haven't seen in a long time. "My name's jess" the woman finally broke the silence as she sat next to me. "This is my son david." She points to the boy who sits next to the woman. "What's your name" Jess continues watching my every move. "Hank" I said as I cough a few flecks of blood. "Well Hank you gotta eat get your strength up" I look at the food in front of me and back at Jess "where did you get this?" I question as I start to fork the food in choking on every take. Jess stared her eyes into mine looking for answers when I asked the question. "There's a food storage unit a few streets away left by the military" I thanked her for the food as I wiped the remains from my long grizzled beard. Her son laughed and ran as soon as I glared. "Well you get some rest okay got to get your strength back." I lay my head to the pillow as Jess and her child walked to the kitchen. My eyes heavy, soon I was driven I to my nightmares and the darkness within me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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