Chapter 11

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AN:  Thank you to everyone who has read this and supported me during it! I hope you enjoyed it!

“I want you to know that you have never done anything wrong, ever.” Rowena said, hugging Oskar close to her. Crowley rolled his eyes and looked over at Cas.

“Now do you see why I have mommy issues?” Crowley asked. Rowena pulled away from Oskar and smiled sadly at him before reaching down and grabbing the knife and stabbing him in the neck. Oskar’s eyes widened and he attempted to cover the wound, but Crowley held his hand down and pushed him to Rowena, who held his head over the bowl and let his blood flow into it. Cas looked away, unable to watch her drain this poor boy. Why couldn’t she love a goat?

“Ab manu dei…ab manu hominis…” Rowena read off the page as she grabbed some ingrediants and threw them into the bowl. “Ab cruore cordis Mei adfusuro in aeternum. Tolle maledictionem tuam ab hoc viro!” Rowena said, glaring over at Crowley as she tossed the last of the ingredients into the bowls. A bright ball of energy glowed in the bowl.

“Oh fuck…” Crowley whispered right before the energy exploded from the bowl, knocking all three of them over.


“Are you okay?” Dean asked (Y/n) as he helped her to her feet. She nodded slowly and looked up at him.

“It’s days like this I wish dad was still alive.” (Y/n) said. “He always had the answers. And if he didn’t, John or Bobby did.” (Y/n)’s dad was one of the hunters killed by Meg Masters and Azazel to lure John and the boys out. But (Y/n) didn’t blame Sam or Dean. In all honesty, she blamed herself. Like Sam, she had went off to school, but she had stayed gone and wasn’t there when her dad was killed. She hunted in his memory.

“But dad didn’t have a lot of the answers.” Sam said. (Y/n) smiled.

“That’s what he had my dad and Bobby.” She laughed some. Dean could tell she was tired.

“Come on. Let’s get out of here. We’ll go back to your place and I’ll cook for you.” (Y/n) smiled softly and went to follow Sam and Dean out of the truck stop. There was a loud noise then. (Y/n) looked up.

“Guys…” (Y/n) said before a light shot through the ceiling and hit her arm. “AH!”

“(Y/n)!” Sam and Dean both called, turning and going back to her as she fell to her knees, her arm glowing a bright white before the light shot back up through the ceiling and disappeared. She looked down at her arm, her eyes going wide.

“Dean…” She whispered. Dean was knelt down by her, looking at her arm as the last reminants of the mark disappeared from her. He looked up at Sam. “But how? I didn’t kill you.”

“I don’t know, but I think we need to go.” Sam nodded and helped (Y/n) up and quickly ushered her out the door.


“Manete!” Rowena called out, raising her hands up. Crowley and Cas were frozen in place as they stood. She had a smile on her face. “You shouldn’t have come to me Not Constantine.”

“How?” Crowley asked. Rowena just smirked at him.

“This was just the spell I needed to break free the wall that was binding my magic.” She laughed. “Now I’m unstoppable. Forget annoying you. I have so many other things I need to do now.” She looked over at Cas and smirked. “I have enough power to stop a bored king and a wayward angel. And that’s just the beginning.” She pointed at Cas. “Impetus bestiarum.” Cas groaned and bent over.

“Mother, please.”

“You made me kill Oskar!” She hissed at Crowley. “He was more of a son to me than you ever were!” She closed her eyes and calmed herself down. “But now I have to run. You have a lot of things you need to do Mr. King of Hell Sir.”

“What are you doing?” He asked. She just smirked and looked back over at Cas before walking out.

“Dele malum hoc.” She called over her shoulder. Cas stood up, blood coming from his eyes. “Have fun Fergus!”

“Castiel…” Crowley said. “Don’t do this Castiel.” Cas growled and launched himself at Crowley, angel blade in hand.


“This isn’t good.” Sam whispered. “Something doesn’t feel right. The mark of (Y/n)’s arm out of nowhere. The sun out and it’s supposed to be night.”

“Let’s just get out of here and regroup.” Dean said. Sam nodded. (Y/n) didn’t move from where she stood as they walked towards the Impala. Dean and Sam stopped and looked at her. “Sweetie?”

“Look.” She said, pointing to the sky. Dean and Sam turned to look as the sky started to turn blood red.

“Yeah, that’s a perfectly good sign.” Dean said. Then, lightning strikes started hitting the ground, one right after another. Dean wrapped an arm around (Y/n), pulling her close to his side. The lightning stopped and the earth shook, large pillars of black smoke rising from the ground and converging into one cloud.

“The Darkness.” (Y/n) whispered. “My old friend.”

“Get in the car.” Dean told Sam, who nodded and ran around to the passenger side. Dean opened the driver’s side and pushed (Y/n) in before climbing in himself. (Y/n) set between the Winchester’s as Dean put the car into reverse and backed up, the tire becoming wedged in a pothole.

“Dean! Get us out of here!” Sam yelled.

“I’m trying!” Dean said, gunning the car but it wouldn’t move forward. “Son of a bitch!” The cloud was moving towards them. (Y/n) leaned forward in her seat, watching the cloud with fascination. Something was calling her towards it. She wanted to be in it.

“Dean!” Sam called out again.

“Hold on to something!” Dean yelled at them. Sam braced himself on the dashboard and Dean grabbed the steering wheel. (Y/n) stayed forward, watching the cloud as it enveloped the car. “Sammy…” Dean said, stealing a glance over at his brother. That’s when he realized that he could see Sam without another body in the way. “(Y/n)!”

“Where is she? Dean?” Sam asked. Dean looked around in a panic.



(Y/n) stood in the middle of the cloud. She couldn’t see the Impala anymore. She couldn’t see Sam or Dean. All she could see was a woman standing in front of her. (Y/n) stared at her.

“Hello?” (Y/n) said. The woman turned around and looked at her, a smile spreading on her face.

“(Y/n).” She said, her voice silky. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

The End

(My note: I asked her if she was going to write a sequel, she said she didn't know. If she does write a sequel, will ask her if I could post it to wattpad)

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