Chapter 6

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“How the hell did you find me?” (Y/n) asked again, stepping down onto her small front porch she had built with the help of one of the guys at work. The knife was gripped tight in her and. She didn’t keep many weapons in the house, and this was the best she could get to on such a short notice.

“(Y/n), put the knife down.” Dean said softly. She pointed it at him.

“You’re not in any position to be telling me what to do.” She growled. “So I’m going to ask one more time before I get mad. How. The. Hell. Did you. Find me.” Dean swore the mark glowed some.

“(Y/n), calm down okay?” Sam said, holding his hands up. “We just did some research. You rescued some guy at your work from being turned into a sausage link and he must have leaked it to the paper.”

“Damn it!” (Y/n) called out, making the boys jump. “I was so careful!”

“Why don’t you just put the knife down and we can talk about it?” Dean said. (Y/n) looked down at the knife.

“Fine.” She stabbed the knife into the wooden railing of the porch. “There. Happy?” She glared at the Winchesters. They couldn’t believe that this was (Y/n). The mark was supposed to just bring out what was already there in the holder, not change their personality. And (Y/n) had been so sweet, so caring. She wouldn’t hurt anybody, let alone wave a knife around at people.

“(Y/n), why did you do it?” Dean asked, staring up at her on the porch. She started laughing then. Dean raised an eyebrow, so confused by why she was cracking up. “What?”

“You really don’t get it do you?” She asked. “Sammy can agree with me on this one. You were fucking scary.” Dean was taken aback by this. He looked over at Sam, who wouldn’t match his stare. “Watching the man I love slip away and become this, this thing. I was so scared that someday I was going to wake up and you were going to be standing over me with that damn blade in your hand and it was going to have fresh blood on it. I couldn’t let you do this anymore.”

“So you thought it was okay for you to do it?” Dean asked a little harshly. (Y/n)’s eyes snapped up to him and anger filled them more. “You think it was okay to roofie us, and take something that didn’t belong to you?”

“And you think it belongs to you?” (Y/n) asked. “That’s hilarious.”

“Hey, let’s just calm down.” Sam said, standing between Dean and (Y/n). “Nothing is going to get solved if you poke at her Dean.”

“Thanks for playing mediator Sam.” (y/n) said, heading back into her house. “Well, are you guys just gonna stand out there all day admiring my girl, or are you gonna come in here and have a beer?” Dean and Sam looked at each other before following her inside.

While (y/n) went to the fridge, the boys took in the interior of the house.  It was quite homey and nicely decorated. The inside looked like it had been completely remodeled, compared to the outside. From what Dean could see, there was a bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, and another room on this floor. There was a ladder that led up to a loft. Once the awe of the interior passed, they saw all the empty liquor bottles sitting around. (Y/n) came over to them, carrying a beer bottle for each.

“Thanks.” Sam said, looking around. “Nice place you have.”

“I pretty much rebuilt it.” She said proudly. “Got a little help after I got the job at the plant.” She brought a trash can over, knocking bottles into it and putting it back in the kitchen. “It’s nice here. I even have a private internet connection. Was keeping tabs on strange things in the area. This town is under my protection.”

“Well, no one I would trust better.” Sam said with a small smile. (Y/n) gazed at Dean. He hadn’t said anything since he had walked in to your house. She sighed and flopped down in a chair, motioning for them to sit.

“You’ve done well for yourself.” Dean finally said. (Y/n) nodded.

“It’s not the bunker, but its home.” Dean kept staring at the mark on her skin, thinking about what that Harry guy had said about her being branded. She had obviously thought about how to explain it to people. (Y/n) noticed.

“It’s weird.” She said, looking down at the mark. “It’s like I have this voice inside my head. Ever since I got this thing, I can hear something calling out to me.” Dean looked at Sam. He had heard that too, right before he was given the First Blade. But then it stopped.

“Guess it’s just a byproduct of the mark.” Dean said. He didn’t want to tell her how to stop it. He knew what it was like to have the mark and the First Blade and just wanting to kill. (Y/n) just nodded.

“You guys staying around or heading back to Kansas?” She asked, trying to keep them from asking her more about how the mark was effecting her. She was trying so hard to keep everything at bay. She didn’t want to slip up and hurt one of them. That’s why she left after all. Cain had the right idea, locking himself away.

“Not sure yet.” Dean said, getting a look from Sam. “This is a nice area. Might have to stick around for a while.” (Y/n)’s muscles twitched and she tightened her hand into a ball. She clenched her jaw, staring at them.

“Really now?” She asked. “What makes you say that?”

“Nice little town. Couldn’t hurt to just stay around.” Dean said with a shrug. (Y/n) nodded and got up, disappearing into her bedroom. Sam slammed Dean’s arm. “Ow! What was that for?”

“We’re staying here now?” Sam asked.

“Well, she doesn’t seem like she wants to come home? What am I supposed to do?”

“Maybe she wants to stay here? We can’t force her to go back to Kansas if she doesn’t want to.” Dean just shook his head. (Y/n) came out then, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

“Where are you going?” Dean asked. (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

“Well, I need food.” She said. “And after I bring it back, I’m going out.” Dean jumped up.

“Going out?” He asked. She smirked at him.

“Jealous?” She asked. He didn’t respond. “How about when I get back, I’ll take you boys to my favorite bar in town. Sound like fun?”

“Sure.” Sam said. “We need to go back to our motel and change.” Dean bit his lip to keep quiet.

“Great.” (Y/n) said. Sam could tell that she was not happy about them being here, but she had gotten really good about holding her anger back. He wished Dean would’ve had the mental walls she did. They wouldn’t be in this position if he did.

“Come on.” Sam said, pulling Dean out the door. (Y/n) watched them head out toward the Impala. Dean looked back at her before getting in the Impala. She sighed to herself.

“This was so much easier when he didn’t know where I lived.” She said to herself before locking the door and heading to her truck.

Shake It Off by the--blackdahlia Dean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now