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  Hi or hey everybody !
  This story takes place in a futuristic AU, kinda like the 5th element city, or some form Star Wars, but it's mostly inspirited by Valerian&Laureline anime and comics. I hope it's not to confusing, with the names and all. Also English is not my first language, i probably made mistakes and i'm sorry for that. If you spot some, feel free to tell me where, so i can correct them :)
  Enjoy ! <3  

         Luke has heard about Central Point all his life. But it was something else to see it from his own eyes. Out of the window of the spacecraft, a million of colourful lights shinned and glimmered in the outer space night. The scene was breath-taking for the young blond man. Luke knew the story of the capital planet of the Galaxy. It was actually an artificial land, growing with the needs of the population. At that time, it hosted more than 2000 different species of thinking and conscious people.

"First time in Central Point?", a man with a light blue skin, dark blue eyes and long uplifted ears asked. It was probably easy to tell considering the awe expression on Luke's face. He only nodded as an answer, and the man smiled kindly to him. He gave a pat on the shoulder and left Luke to his contemplation.

The planet was coming closer and closer and soon he will have to go back to his sit, when they'll start crossing the atmosphere. But for now he was enjoying the view, trying not to think about what was waiting for him down on the ground.

On the other side of the district, Ashton was running as fast as he could. He felt like his lungs were about to explode. It seemed like he was suffocating in the hot air of the maze of narrow streets and dark alley that spread behind the avenues and bright lights. He hated Central Point. There's no season on this artificial planet, no days or night, no rain and barely any vegetation on display. It was all fake to him. But the worst part of his visit in the capital was probably being chased and shot at, like he was in this very moment.

Despites his animosity for Central Point, He knew it pretty well now. He learnt over the years. And not only the main and touristic spot, but also the secret shortcuts. Hopefully, that was what would make him survive. If he made it to the astroport area, maybe he had his chance.

Eventually, the spacecraft­ reached the astroport. The other passenger made their way to the security check while Luke carefully stayed in the back of the crowd. He moved fluidly though the people to reach the very last position in the waiting queue. No was protesting against it, and maybe they should, because on the way Luke stole around 100 Univ, the money used on Central Point and in the vast majority of the Galaxy. It wasn't too much money to be honest, but Luke definitely not wanted to get caught or draw attention to him.

The line moved slowly forward, in that time the young man studied the security check process. It was definitely more secure than the check in process when he got on the spacecraft. This one was not with a robot but with a real agent. And it seemed like the agent had some telepathy abilities, reading in minds or just tell truth from a lie. Luke didn't know much about species and their characteristics, he could only name and recognize a few of them. There wasn't much diversity where he grew up. He agent looked mostly human, expect a very grey skin tone and somewhat of a red gem in between his burgundy eyes.

When his turn came Luke reluctantly gave "his" passport. He actually stole it from a guy that was approximatively his age, weight, height, hair colour and eye colour. It was already hard enough to found and it could fool some robot, but it couldn't fool a real security agent.

"Is it yours?", the guard said in a neutral voice, but his red eyes were locked deeply in Luke's blue ones. For a second Luke thought about lying, but he knew it would lead him nowhere. Maybe being honest would brought him on the good side of the agent?

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