This isn't the end.

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He thought of her hair, flowing in the warm breeze, out in the fields near his house.

He thought of her touch, brushing over his skin, calm hands trying to transfer that mood over to him.

Her forehead against his, her smile, her cute gappy teeth, the smattering of freckles across her cheeks, the way her eyes always lit up when she got excited.

He'd miss her. He wanted to have a chance to say goodbye, but it was too late.

She had been gone from her body too long now, they were going to take her off support.

He saw her limp, lifeless body lying in the bed, and he felt a cold, crushing feeling in his chest. He wanted her to know everything in his mind, everything he thought of her; He needed her to know.

But there she lay, as good as dead- but somehow it was worse. Because the hope of her waking up made pulling the plug that much harder.

He touched her face as she had his, forehead to forehead, tears running from his eyes and onto hers. He kissed her nose, running his fingertips along her arms.

They would take her off the machine tomorrow.

He came back the next day, to say his final goodbyes to her, whether she could hear him or not. It was more for his own closure than anything.

The staff left them alone, and he tried to keep himself composed, because after all they didn't even know if she was still really alive.

He layed his head on her chest, listening to her steady heart beat, and her breathing in and out. He stayed there a long time, and he felt like he could sense her spirit there, holding him.

He moved back, placing his hand on her arm, drawing different things like he used to absentmindedly.

The staff came back in, and began taking the sensors off her body, and removing her IV and breathing tube.

He sat next to the bed for a long time, fighting his tears, and reminiscing old memories.

He was going to have to leave soon, or else they might just take him with her body to bury her.

He finally stood up, looking over her one more time, and noticed something odd.

She was still breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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