It Watches

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It watches.

It stares, always. It follows you, eyes boring holes into your back. You turn around, but it's nothing. Nothing is there.

For years it follows you, watching your every move. It's enough to drive anyone mad.

It drives you up a wall then subsides just long enough to let you think you're finally alone.

It's so quiet too, never making a sound. And yet, it's as if you hear It's presence. You whip you head around to see what you don't hear.

You are alone.

The worst part is that you never see it. You never know what it was. You start to think that you're just crazy, that you're just paranoid. It was all an illusion...

Then it comes back.

You knew not to try to explain it, you let others leave you. They are frightened by you. You are frightened by it. The thing that no matter how much praying and wishing you do won't leave. But deep down you know...

It will never leave.

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