'I have to turn away." Takenaga turns away but Yuki and Ranmaru stare. 'Yuki is lucky.' Ranmaru thinks.

"Boys?" Rouge snaps in their face, "Huh?" They come back from their thoughts. "Don't be perv like Ranmaru, Yuki. You're too cute for it." Rouge pecks Yuki on the lips with a wink and walks to the beach. "Rouge! Wait for me!" Yuki runs after with a Ranmaru in a daze.
"We found the boys the location, neh~" Pink haired girl looks at GPS. "They are close by, neh~" Blue hair girl squeals. "Soon they will be ours, neh~" Blonde girl includes. "All to ourselves, neh~" Brown hair smiles with glee. "We are coming for you, our princes." They chant, "Goth, Goth~ Loli, Loli~"
"What did I say?!" The girls look at Noi, "Keep rowing. We need to make it there before dark." "Yes, queen." The girls paddle the boat faster. "I'm coming, Takenaga!" Noi declares as riding on the paddle.
Rouge Pov~

I was reading a book, while I was laying on the sand and sunglasses on my face. "This is a good read. I wonder...!?" Before I could finish, sand falls on top of my book. 'Idiots.' I turn to Sunako and Kyohei digging in the sand. "Treasure...treasure..." "Skulls...skulls..." I sigh and dust of my book, then closing before putting it in my bag. I walk over to them, "Looking for something?" "Rouge! Help me dig treasure!" Kyohei shouts. "No way! Help with Skulls!" Sunako keeps digging. "You won't beat me!" Kyohei digs faster to the ground along with Sunako.

"I'll help." I sigh as begin to dig in the sand with the boys. "Ahh!" I turn to see Sunako acting weird, then running into the forest. "Sunako!" I call out but she is too fast. "Where is she going?" Yuki asks. "Don't know." I shrug. "Did she find her skulls?" "Or the treasure?!" Kyohei states as I roll my eyes.

The ground begins to shake, "What is going on?!" I try to keep my balance. "That sound...what is that?" Takenaga asks. "Something is coming." A movement comes for the forest; a large, boulder comes running towards us. "A boulder?!" I move to side away but the boys freak out, while dodging the boulder by jumping on and over it.
"That was close." "If this wasn't a comedy, we'll be dead." "You guys would be pancakes if this was a fanfic." I say, stare back at the forest, "I'm going to look for Sunako." I run into the forest. "Rouge!" Yuki and the boys run after me while I look for Sunako.

Third Pov~

"She is running so fast." Ranmaru says as they chase after her but she's gone. "Where did she go?" Kyohei and others looks around, "Ahhh!" We turn quickly to see Sunako swinging on vine; kicking Ranmaru into a pit. "Ranmaru!" Yuki catches. "You saved me." "Yeah but don't look down." Yuki assures. "Now I have to do it." He looks down, seeing swords and snakes.

"Why are their snakes?!" Rouge stares at the readers and smiles, 'More entertaining for the readers.'

"Sunako, where are you doing this?" Takenaga ask but she reveal she is a pirate brought back form the skull she found and is taking her body as a host. "I will find my treasure!" 'Sunako' declares, then turns to Rouge. "You!" Rouge scans the forest, "Me?" She points to herself. "You will be useful. A great mate against these scoundrels!" 'Sunako' declares with laughter.

"You will be will me!" 'Sunako' claims. "Say what?" Rouge steps back, "Just give me back my cousin, you bag of bones." 'Sunako' laughs. "A fine first mate." 'Sunako' steps towards Rouge, putting her over her shoulder. "Hey!" She runs off with Rouge. "Rouge!" Yuki calls out "You son of-come back here!" Kyohei runs after them.

"This...can't be happening." Takenaga, Yuki, and Ranmaru stare with disbelief.
Rouge Pov~
"This is getting weird." I turn to 'Sunako' or whoever it is, laughing and dancing with jewels and weird makeup. I feel strange presences around us, "Um...Captain? What's going on?" I ask. "My first mate! I'm please ya asked." 'Sunako' laughs with glee, pulling out a captain outfit, "We are taking over this island and finding my treasure before those scallywags do." She declares. 'Yep, this is bad.'
"This isn't going to work." Rouge says. "Oh, it will. With your help." She brings up a necklace. "You will be a good mate." 'No way!' Before Rouge could move, 'Sunako' places the necklace around her neck; a spirit forms around her.

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