Start from the beginning

"It's okay mom. I'm fine," Mia reassured.

They stayed like that until Mrs White pulled away and looked at me. "Your mother is at the station, waiting for your father. I believe she's planning a divorce after what happened."

Thank God.

Someone placing their hand on my shoulder got my attention, and I looked to see it was Levi. He looked at me with a somewhat sad yet happy expression.

"Mind if I talk to you?" He asked.

"Sure," I replied.

Everyone was busy; Mindy and Austin were being interviewed by a policewoman, Mia was being treated like a fragile child by her mom, and Ben was burning roses with a lighter. No one was paying any attention to us.

We went to a much quieter area so gain a little bit of privacy. Levi looked nervous for some reason. Something I've never seen before. He's usually causal about things and straightforward.

"There's something I need to tell you. And you can't blame or be mad at Mia because it's my fault to begin with."

"Why would I ever be mad at Mia? What did you do?"

"I... I kissed her."

My eyes widened at his words. When the fuck did this happen!? Even if Levi is my friend, I didn't like that another male had kissed her. By the way my eyes narrowed at him and my hands turning into fists, he knew I was more than angry.

"I know you're mad," he said, taking a step back. "But I promise I won't ever do it again."

"Since when?" I questioned.

Scratching the back of his head, he told me how's he's liked her since they day Mia accidentally spilt her strawberry smoothie over him. Though the whole explanation, he didn't make any eye contact whatsoever.

"It's fine," I said once he finished talking. "But never do that again. Or I'll murder you."

"Noted," Levi chuckled before he remembered something. "Oh. By the way, the boss wants to talk to you."

Levi left knowing that I was going to call the boss right away. Honestly, he could've helped with this whole situation. But the day his best friend died, he wasn't the same. He locked himself under piles or work. And he had to make sure that his family didn't know the organization he was running.

The one Ben, Levi, and I were also apart of.

The only ones he'd tell his feelings to were Levi, Ben, and I. He would always tell us how guilty he felt lying to his family. But it was for a good cause. I knew exactly how he felt because I did the same thing. Levi and Ben didn't have to worry since their father doesn't give them any attention.

Before Levi left, he gave me his phone - since I didn't have mine - and dialled the boss's number. Hearing a few rings, he finally picked up.

"Is she alright?" What the first thing he said.

"She's fine," I answered. "Not to be rude, but why didn't you help? You could've ended this a long time ago."

The line was silent before he spoke.

"I trust you. And you need to learn how to do things on your own if you want to take over this organization," he replied.


It was a big responsibility to take over his organization. It started from scratch when my father told him about Louis' father and what he did to my mom. Thinking about it now, Louis hasn't done anything yet. And hopefully, he doesn't show up in mine or Mia's life very again.

I don't think I'm letting her order any more pizzas without me around.

I looked at Mia, who was talking with her mother. She turned around and smiled at me.

"Oh, Ace," the boss said.

"Thank you for keeping my daughter safe."

••• - ••• - •••

I'm such a bad author. I'm so sorry for making you wait so long! 😖😰😭

I had to re-write this chapter multiple times because I wanted it to be perfect! Why? Because sadly, this story is ending soon!

Also, thank you for all of the messages and comments. They inspire and motivate me to write more no matter how busy my schedule is. ❤️


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