Preference: The first accessory he gives you

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Peter knows that you can sing really well and he loves your voice

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Peter knows that you can sing really well and he loves your voice. You don't really feel comfortable singing in front of anyone, so you only sing when you are absolutely alone. One time, Peter catches you singing your favourite song in the kitchen when you're doing the dishes. He pretends he doesn't hear you sing, but actually, he's already fallen in love with that amazing voice of yours. He picks this charm necklace for you to remind you that how much he loves your voice. Peter also tells you that you don't have to sing unless you feel comfortable about it. Ever since then, you always sing to him whenever it's just you and him.

♥ ♠ ♣ ♦


Edmund gives you this crystal and pearl headband

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Edmund gives you this crystal and pearl headband. Edmund knows how troublesome your long hair can be sometimes, so he picked this headband for you. Actually, he designed the entire headband for you and asked the finest dwarf to make it. He specifically chooses crystal and pearl because they symbolize purity and generosity. He loves how they sparkle under the bright sunlight. Edmund thinks this is the best hair accessory for you and there'll never be another one that will outshine this one. (Big-headed Edmund!!! )

♥ ♠ ♣ ♦


Caspian picks this bracelet for you

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Caspian picks this bracelet for you. Honestly, he has no idea what it symbolises, a cat maybe. He sees you looking at this bracelet that day he brings you to the mid-summer fair in the village near Lantern Waste. He notices how your eyes light up when you see this bracelet. Caspian secretly buys it and give it to you that night after dinner. Everything is so cliché, but you really like it.

♥ ♠ ♣ ♦


Eustace makes this necklace for you

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Eustace makes this necklace for you. He watches the tutorial video on youtube and decides to make this necklace for you. He picks you favourite flower and tries to make one for you, keyword is tries. Eustace admits that he tried more than 3 times to get the necklace right. Even though he has a hard time in making this necklace, to you this gift is perfect.

♥ ♠ ♣ ♦

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