Chapter 5- Feelings...

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You got back to your bed and stormed out of the door to see Teresa in the next room. Aris pulsating your mind with every step. You only knew the guy for approximately 5 hours and unexplainable feelings were swimming through your veins already.

You knocked on Teresa's door quietly as she opened the door with a creak. "Hey, Y/N, what's up? This is unusual to see yo-" You stormed past her and put yourself on her bed. You let yourself go. Tears running down your face like the River Eleri.

She ran over to you and wrapped her warm arms around you. This earned your trust. You cried in her arms for about 2 minutes until you were ready to tell her what happened.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened, Y/N." She asked, gently. You nodded and wiped a dragging tear from your E/C eyes. "Good, cos I don't want to get soaked by your shuck tears anymore." She chuckled. You giggled softly, still muffled by crying.

After explaining the story with the incident with Aris, she nodded and looked at the grey floor beneath you in thought.

"Look, Y/N, I know you speak your mind sometimes, but you need to try to control it, got it?" You nodded again because thats all you can get out. Teresa tapped your shoulder and escorted you out the door. That's it? You thought. You shrugged it off and went back to your room.

Don't Stop The Lone Love ||Aris Jones x Reader [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora