Hypno's Lulluby (Story)

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(If you do listen to the song, unless you are almost DEAF, listen to it at a low volume. The voice is pretty raspy, and it will hurt your ears)

(Sadly, I couldn't find a telling of the story, just the song)


"That's not fair!" Jimmy cried, slamming his large, gray Nintendo DS shut. "You cheat! I told you to never use your Blastoise. His level is too high."

Preston smirked, though Jimmy's voice made him glance at the metallic picnic table across the playground, where Ms. Hinson sat reading some book. I really don't want her to take my game away again, he thought. He closed his smaller, blue DS so that the Pokéball sticker showed on the front and tucked it in between his legs just in case she looked up.

"No one likes you, you Pokémon freak!" Jimmy said. His limbs shook and his face turned red. For a minute, Preston thought Jimmy looked like a red version of the Hulk. He felt a smile coming on, but forced it back. Any more attention would alert Ms. Hinson. Jimmy just stood over him, fists clinched, but finally just walked away.

Preston sighed, tucking the game system in his pocket. Kids played 'Shark' in the sandbox, and swung one another on swings. Preston sighed, staring at them, but then turned away. He had a lot of friends after all–Pokémon. So, he brushed dirt off his Pokémon shirt with Ash and Pikachu, and sat under the tree nearest the forest on the outskirts of the playground.

Acorns hid in the gold and orange, leaf-littered ground, and as Preston sat his back scraped against the tree's trunk. The boy cast another glance at his teacher, before he took the DS out of his short's pocket. He opened it and pressed the power button, but stopped when he caught something out of the corner of his eye.

At first glance, it looked like a yellow speck. Though the more Preston looked at it, the more it looked like a...a–HYPNO! Preston blinked, expecting for the image to be gone, but there it sat, swinging its pendulum–a gray stone with a hollowed center attached to a string–to and fro. It's cat-like ears perked up, and a long nose was nestled between two squinted eyes.

"Oh," Preston said, placing his DS on the ground and slowly getting up. The Hypno sat as it was, watching its pendulum go back and forth. Preston crept toward it, making sure that his foot rose high enough and fell gently as not to make a sound. Whenever the Pokémon's glanced in Preston's direction, he darted behind a tree.

They are real! I knew it! If only I had a Pokéball.

The closer the boy got, the more he noticed some things about Hypno. The first was that the Pokémon's face looked rough and paper-like, almost as though it were made of–what was it Ms. Hinson helped us make our Halloween masks out of?–paper mache, and its eyes were more set back, as though Hypno wore a mask. His skin looked more like a yellow long-sleeved shirt and pants, but he wore no shoes.

He kinda looks like a Hypno, Preston thought. But no more had he thought than he realized that everything looks different in a cartoon than reality–like how Tom and Jerry looked goofier than a regular cat and mouse.

Preston foot fell on a twig. The piece of wood broke with a resounding snap. The Pokémon looked up at the boy, it's pendulum coming to the halt. Preston froze. A breeze seemed to carry the sounds of the other children off, so it seemed that only the boy and the Pokémon remained. He expected the Hypno to run, but all it did was tilt its head to the side.

"Come, little child, come with me. Safe and happy you will be," the Pokémon sang, though it's squeaky voice hardly higher than a whisper.

Preston's eyes widened.

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