Mile High Club

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Today was the day, you were off on the adventure of your life. You had just graduated from University, a painfully long 4 years, and you decided that you should treat yourself with a well deserved trip. Australia. The place you had always dreamed of visiting, wanting nothing more than to explore the world and see all the wonderful things it has to offer.

You had lived in Dublin your entire life, well almost, you had moved there when you were about 8 years old after your father was offered a job position. You loved the place, you really did, but you felt that you had been there long enough and it was time to get away. Your parents obviously weren't too thrilled to let their only daughter venture off into the unknown world by herself for 2 months, but they had always been so supportive of all the decisions you made and in the end, they were excited for the new chapter in your life. But it was still hard for them to see you go, holding you so tightly before finally letting you go, and watching you walk away ready to jump straight into the unknown.

Although you were excited to get going, arriving at the airport this early in the morning definitely was not your cup of tea, seeing as you were used to getting up before sun rise... way after. And not to mention the fact that your direct flight from Dublin to Sydney would be an excruciating 22 hours. But here you were, arriving at the Dublin airport around 5:30 a.m, only having brought nothing with you except a small suitcase, a large camping backpack and a small carry on bag. As you walk through the doors, the adrenaline coursing through your veins and your nerves shooting through the roof, you pause, taking in a deep breath, closing your eyes and holding it there for a brief moment before exhaling loudly, beginning to walk forward before opening your eyes. Probably not the best idea, as you felt your body crash right into muscular body of a tall, brunette man.

"Aye" he speaks, grabbing onto your shoulders, steadying you slightly, "maybe open your eyes next time, petal" he finishes with a smirk, looking down at you. You look up at him, his eyes covered by the black lenses of his ray ban sunglasses, his short brown hair sitting neatly on the top of his head.

"I-I'm sorry" you stutter out, getting lost in the beauty of his facial features along with the feeling of his strong, and warm, hands pressed against your bare arms.

"Don't worry 'bout it" he says softly, running his hands down your arms before removing them, the loss of contact sending a chill through your body before he turns his back to you as he saunters away. You stand there for a moment, still in awe of the masterpiece you just had standing in front of you, touching you. You take your bottom lip between your teeth before shaking yourself from your thoughts, getting back on track heading towards the check-in desk.

After checking your bags, remaining with you only your small carry on, you recieve your ticket and begin to make your way towards Terminal 2. There was no looking back now.

Once arriving at gate 410, you plop yourself down on a bench placing your bag down in the seat beside you, letting out a sigh of relief. Your back was already aching from carrying your backpack around only a short distance, and you couldn't even imagine what it was going to be like walking around with it all day once you got to Australia. You reach over to the front pocket of your bag, pulling out a small sheet of paper. Last night before finding the will to sleep, you decided to look up tips on how to survive a 22 hour flight, wondering how you were going to entertain yourself on a plane for almost a day. Sure it gave you stupid tips like bringing a neck pillow, or wearing comfy pants (which of course you already knew) or like making friends with the guy sitting beside you. You weren't one for small talk, so you highly doubt that would happen, and planned on trying to get as much sleep as possible, while also reviewing all you had planned for your trip. Still staring down at the paper, you feel a small tap on your shoulder, causing you to jump slightly. You look up to see the woman from the front desk standing in front of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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