At school (pt. 1)

Beginne am Anfang

"This is... ew. Are they flirting or what? ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!"

Diana lifted her head up with a sleepy face

"Were you sleeping?"

"Nooo... me? Haha how funny... of course I wasn't"

Lara raised her eyebrow and Diana confessed

"OKAY I WAS! It's not my fault if I'm not a morning person!"

"You could go to sleep earlier"

"I didn't go to sleep late"

"I saw light on in your room around 3 am"

Diana looked straight without saying a thing... then she spoke

"I wanted to know what happened! And I saw all the episodes"

"You're umbelievable"

The classroom door opened and everybody remained quiet at their places thinking it could be the teacher

"Hello everybody" Leo got in with a wide smile

Steve left out a sigh of relief and Hwoarang stood up shouting:


Leo raised his hands

"I'm sorry guys I didn't mean to scare you"

He was a little embarrassed and this made him look so cute that Xiaoyu hugged him

"It's okay Leo, we all love you!"

Julia flipped her hair:

"Anyway I wasn't scared, I'm perfectly ready for any kind of test or whatsoever"

Lili rolled her eyes

"You're just focused on "oh my god, I can't wait to see the new teacher, I bet he's hot""

Asuka laughed at Lili's mock of Julia and said:

"I bet that's what you're hoping, Rocheford" and laughed again

Lili looked at Asuka with an annoyed look and said

"I know you're just jealous, you're craving to be like me but you can't... and" she looked away "I don't know what you're talking about, it's not like I'm that desperate"

Everybody burst out laughing... Jin too

"Stop it!" Lili cried "you're just jealous of me!"

They laughed even more. Their laugher got interrupted by Hwoarang suddenly shouting

"HEY! PAY ATTENTION WITH THAT DOOR!" He massaged his arm where the door hit him.

"You shouldn't stay here" A guy with crystal blue eyes, black hair, deep voice and a fascinating accent spoke.

The girls looked at him almost drooling down.
Lili whispered to Julia:

"If he's our new classmate, make sure you leave you seat as soon as possible"

Hwoarang broke again the silence:

"Who do you think you are, you newbie? You don't know who I am"

The black haired guy talked again with a grin on his face:

"It's pretty clear that you don't know who I am either"

Jin gestured Hwoarang to stop and come back at his place but... he didn't listen

"I don't really care who you are and you know why?" Hwoarang talked to the new guy

"Hwoarang stop it" Jin covered his face trying to make him understand that he was making a huge mistake

Hwoarang pointed his finger to Jin: "YOU STOP IT, KAZAMA! I'M NOT A COWARD LIKE YOU!"

The new guy held Hwoarang's point finger and started walking across the room

"Hey hey hey leave me! Are you a Kazama or what?" Hwoarang tried slip out of the new guy's hold

"I'm Claudio Serafino" he pulled Hwoarang's finger "and..." he cracked it and Hwoarang held a tear that was about to come out "I'm the new teacher... clear?" Hwoarang nodded and sat at his place

"Good... now guys I'd like to ear something from you. Who wanna start?"


-In the next chapter-

Hwoarang: "who does he think he is?!"


Jin: "you're so baka"


Lili: "ooh la la"


Julia: "I knew it!"


Asuka: "It's gonna be a big mess"


Xiaoyu: "c'mon guys we'll have fun"


Steve: "why the hell I always end up in trouble for something that I didn't even wanna do!?"


Leo: "you know what... I like it"


Claudio: "you're playing with fire"


Lara: "are you sure about it?"


Diana: "screw it! That's what I like, that's what I'll do!"

HELLO! Did you miss me?
I know I've not been active lately but I'll make sure I'll post more frequently.
As always I hope you enjoy this new chapter.
Let me know if you've some ideas or advice or whatever you want... leave a comment.
What else do I have to say?

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