Happy Birthday Gorgeous (NIALL ONE SHOT)

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You wake up to the sun pouring in through your thin curtains, you squint at the brightness and turn over to look at your alarm clock.

It read 10am, you groan, not looking forward to the day ahead, and decide to roll back over on your side and stare at the now suddenly interesting red curtains. It was your birthday today. Yet hardly a birthday when your family were on holiday and your Boyfriend was at least 1000 miles away on tour and not due back for another month. You fumble around for your phone and find it under your pillow. You click the hold button the screen lights up.

‘No new messages, mhm, popular’ You say to yourself, throwing the phone to your side so it lands face down on your double bed. You sigh. Not even your boyfriend had texted you. Not even any of your family. Nor your best friend.

The bird that sits on your apartment’s balcony every morning starts to tweet which signals you to get up. You flip the duvet up of you and jump up from the bed, your greeted with a dizzy spell from getting up too quickly.

‘Eurghh!’ You moan as you try to make your way to the bathroom, stubbing your toe on the door. As you get into the room you walk straight over to the mirror and sigh at your reflection. Your hair looked like a lion mane.

After five minutes of brushing countless knots out of your hair, you throw your hair into a bun, a few brown wringlets falling and framing the sides of your face. You stare back at your light blue eyes and decide to ditch the eyeliner and just stick with mascara. As you run the brush through your lashes you sneeze. Smearing the mascara over your eyelid.

‘F**ks sake!’ You curse, grabbing your makeup wipes and wiping it away. It was only morning and you were already having a bad day. After finally putting on a coat of mascara without getting it anywhere but your eyelashes you walk out of the bathroom with your toe which was now throbbing.

When you get back to your room you open the curtains and stare out onto the street and out to the huge green across the road, it was a beautiful day. Just a shame you had no one to share it with. You skip over to the radio and flick it on, a cover of Naïve by Lily Allen was playing, you sing along as you rummage through your wardrobe, deciding on your new white summer dress and your cream TOMS. To go with it you pick out the silver and gold feather pendant necklace Niall had brought you for Christmas. As you put it on you can’t help want him to be here to put it on for you. You grab your brown leather bag and throw it over your shoulder, picking your phone up of the bed and dropping it in your bag along with a compact mirror, your makeup bag, your aviators, and from the kitchen- a fresh bottle of water and a tub of scones with jam and clotted cream. So what if no one was here on your birthday, you were still going to treat yourself.

You quickly make your bed and suddenly pause. Listening in to the radio. Playing was ‘One Thing’ by One Direction, you listened out for your boyfriends beautiful and angelic voice and couldn’t help but smile. When the song finished you clicked the radio off and walked out of your window door and lean over your balcony, the green was quite full today, yet your favourite spot under the tree was empty, this was the spot where you and Niall had gone on your first date. You grin to yourself recalling the memory and walk back inside, shutting the clear glass doors behind you and going to the apartments door, grabbing the keys and walking out on to the landing, locking the door behind you.

‘Morning!’ Your neighbour Mary greets you, you beam a smile at her and say morning back in return and carry on walking down the hallway.

‘Oh and Happy Birthday sweetie!’ She calls after you, you turn around.

‘Thankyou Mary!’ You reply, giving her a wave as you almost jump down the one flight of stairs, whistling to ‘Toothpaste kisses’ by the Maccabees which was able to hear from another window of someone else’s apartment. As you get to the concrete floor of your street you make your way to the green, passing many other houses on the way, the morning smell of coffee lingers around you. As you approach the large green you see the market is on, you walk over to the fruit stall and the familiar face of the young man selling winks at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2012 ⏰

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