Ch. 1

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I still don't have a title for my story yet. I'm still working out where I wanna eventually go with it, but here is the official first chapter for it. Hope you all enjoy !

        The lights flicked off, as silence swept the room. The sound of dragging footsteps drifted in the distance, slowly working its way closer. Tension filling the air, making the atmosphere as thick as fresh churned butter. The footsteps now close enough to know that danger is present. Before anyone has the chance to take a breath, a loud bone chilling scream is let out ”EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK” a woman falls on the floor a second body now on top of her, teeth gnashed and aimed for her throat. It takes a bite and rips her flesh off. As she lies screaming on the floor, blood draining, the second body feasted on the removed piece of her neck. The lights flickered on for a few seconds to show the body. Its face was lifeless, bloody, and decaying. Its clothes tattered and ripped, also blood covered. A zombie at its finest. The zombie took a second bite from the woman now chocking on her own blood. Within the next few seconds she was dead. The zombie got up and slowly limped away. The screen faded black.

            “What an amazing movie!” Came a voice from a tall, slender girl wearing glasses as the lights were turned back on. “Thanks for inviting me Clint!”

            “Not at all Lily, thank you for coming.” Said Clint, a short husky man, from the light switch. “Thank you all for coming,” he continued as he pointed to the other people on the three oddly positioned couches, “To my zombie movie marathon!”

            “Dude, shut up and play the next one.” Came a voice from a tall chunky man at the end of the furthest couch.

            “Yeah Jack’s right!” Screamed an equally tall, yet huskier man next to Jack, “I want More Zombies,” he continued as he trailed off looking at the empty bowl on his lap. “AND POPCORN! MORE POPCORN!” He yelled again.

            “Calm down Mike,” Lily said hushing him. “He’ll get your popcorn, just stop yelling. Gosh”

            “Fine,” whined Mike slumping in his chair. “Just. Hurry up, I aint got all night”

            “Yeah you do dude. I mean it’s not like you aren’t staying over.” Clint sneered at Mike. “Speaking of which,” he said turning to the rest of them, “Who is staying tonight anyways?”

            “Well, you know I am” grimaced Mike still slumped over in his seat.

            “I might as well too.” Jack joined in.

            “I don’t know. It’s all up to Alex if I can stay” Lily said wishfully, looking to the short thin girl sitting on the couch adjacent from her.

            “Hmmmmm. Yeah I guess we can stay.” Sighed Alex. To which a joyous “Yay” came from Lily. “Even though I shouldn’t I guess it won’t hurt.”

            “Ace?” Clint asked looking at the short Asian man sitting in the seat to his direct left.

            “Are you kidding me? Of course I’mma stay. Wouldn’t miss any of this for the world.” Ace said excitedly.

            “So that’s five of 7, Grey?” Clint shouted to the guy who left to the bathroom for intermission

            “Naw man, I live to far I’mma have to go home soon” replied a tall lanky man sarcastically walking back into the living room, as he knew he only lived a two minuet walk away.

            “Do you really have to ask me that question?” came a voice from a fit looking man to Clint’s right to which he turned his head to see his brother Joshua. “I mean I freakin live with you.”

            “I know, I’m only playing with you Josh,” Clint responded chuckling as he grabbed more popcorn and divided it amongst the viewers. “Now, let us continue our marathon!” he shouted as Grey quickly jumped onto the couch next to Ace. He quickly shut off the lights and took his seat next to Lily as he started the next film.

            The night played on with lots of gore, guts, zombies, and popcorn. As the night dwindled by all the couch inhabitants had passed out, the last moments of their last movie coming to their end, and the bowls of popcorn completely empty. Little did they all know something was spreading in the world and fast. Something that started not miles from their home town of San Diego, California. Something they must face with tough minds and steel hearts. But for now they sleep carelessly, unaware of the certain perils in their near future.

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