Say I Love You

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Summary: It's Valentine's day and Clarissa and Owen wish to say I love you for the first time after a year.   

Owen POV  

I was just lying down on my bed looking up to the ceiling in thought. I looked to my left and my clock said 9:30 am and to my right was my girlfriend Clarissa. It was Valentine's day and as cliché as it sounds I was hoping to tell her that I loved her. 

I met Clarissa on our second day of college and I was blown away instantly. Her sparkling hazel eyes and brown hair were mesmerizing and I couldn't get enough of her personality. When she smiled, I smiled. When she laughed I would do the same, even when she was teasing me. 

She was still sleeping soundly on my chest and I built up all my courage trying to wake her up gently. 

"Hey, Clary wake up I gotta tell you something", I said to her softly. She held on to me tighter and mumbled something which I couldn't hear. 

"5 more minutes. I beg", She groaned and I laughed lightly. I looked over at the clock once more and It started to play the alarm. 

"Guess there's no point now, get up come on", I nudged her and she ended up falling off the bed. Yeesh, I didn't think I nudged her that hard. I looked over the bed in a little fear because her mood swings always surprised me, and I'm always unprepared. 

I heard her sweet laughter instead, "I only asked for 5 minutes. 5! Why is that so hard?", She got up and hit the off button of the alarm forcefully. I laughed until she hit me with a pillow. 


"You woke me up before the alarm", She stated a little hint of annoyance in her voice. I smirked at her playfully and got up, I guess I'll tell her later. 

We got ready for our morning classes and left the apartment. "Oh! Happy Valentine's day", She said to me smiling. She grabbed my hand and I held hers in return, they intertwined. 

"Happy Valentine's day", I laughed. We passed by a few couples making out, what is this high school? I saw a few others exchanging flowers and some groups of friends sharing chocolate. 

She left me at my class first and I sighed, "What's wrong?". She asked me worriedly with a small smile. 

"Nothing, I just don't want to leave you for so long"

"Oh don't be a baby about it the class isn't that long", She teased and came up to me. 

I pulled her by her waist and kissed her lightly on her lips, "Yeah it is". 

"I'll see you soon", She pulled away and left for her class. I watched as one of her friends, Rachel came up to her. 

Clarissa's POV 

I left Owen to his class and made my way to my own, flustered by his touch. It's been a year and I sleepover sometimes, so you'd think I was used to it. It was Valentine's day and a Wednesday, so the week is almost over. I was planning on saying I love you to Owen this morning, but I chickened out as soon as I woke up. 

"Maybe next time", I said aloud. 

"Next time what?", I turned to see my best friend Rachel walking beside me. I smiled and shook my head lightly. 

"Nothing, just thinking about what I want to tell Owen later" 

"I love you guys together, It's just so adorable", She started ranting. 

"Nice to know you approve", I said and she laughed. "You are lucky I do because you'd rather that. So..." 

"So what?", I asked suspiciously. 

"Have you said I love you to Owen yet?", Rachel leaned on my side and bumped my shoulder. 

"Maybe not...", I admitted. She shook her head and sighed in playful disappointment. 

"You told me that you loved him... what, about 2 months ago?!", She exasperated. 

"Yeah, but he might not feel the same", I was scared. I loved him so much that I didn't want to let him go, I don't want to ruin what we have. 

"Are you kidding me!? He probably loves you just the same If not more. Gimme your phone", She stopped me from entering the hall. "What? Why?" 

"Just give it", I gave it to her hesitantly but I trust her. I handed it to her and she started typing, then she handed it back. "There now you have no choice". 

I looked at the message with my mouth open in shock. She texted him to meet me under the cherry blossom tree, and said that I had something important to tell him. "Rachel! The hell?!" 

"What? You need to tell him or he'll never know and you will keep doubting yourself", She pointed out and then she went into the lecture hall. I sat beside her and started inner panicking. What if he thinks I want to break up? Being the person that her is, as much as I love him he's an idiot sometimes. What If he thinks I'm pregnant or something?! 

"Stop worrying", Rachel nudged me and the lecture started. Oh dear. 

Owen's POV 

OK, so I'm scared because Clary just texted me that she wants to talk later. Does she want to break up? I thought we were doing just fine so far, she kissed me back a while ago. 

The bell rang and I started dreading what was to come. I walked outside toward the single blossom tree and saw Clary sitting down. 

"Hey Clary", I said nervously. She looked up worried and surprised, Oh my gosh she's gonna break up with me. 

"Look Clary I know you wanna break up, but I don't want this to end. I care for you way to much and I don't know what I'd do without you. Is it something I said or did, do I snore? Does that bother you, because I'll fix it!", I looked into her eyes in fear  of what she'd say. 

"I'm not breaking up with you! I'd never do that alright? Never ever. You are a great boyfriend and...", She had already stood through my mid rant and put her hands around my neck, "I love you" 

I smiled as though I've never smiled before, she loves me. Clarissa Jordon loves me and I love her back. I spun her around holding her waist while she laughed. I kissed her passionatly, kind of fearing this was a dream. 

I let her go and picked a cherry blossom from the ground and tucked it in her hair. I laughed lightly and said, "I love you too". 

Cute couples and Stories  by Lonerhearts_x Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu