A beam of light landed on my face and I blinked, not seeing who was with the source of light.

"Oh, hello. She's right here Aiden!" The high pitched voice said, she lowered the torch, and I cautiously looked up at a woman with curly blonde hair that was slightly bleached at the edges. She was wearing a jacket over a long-sleeved grey shirt, and blue jeans with brown boots.

"On second thought, you stay where you are Aiden. And pass me your jacket please"

A black leather jacket was tossed and she snatched it from the air, then she held it out to me.

"Here, wear this, you must be freezing. I'm Rachel by the way. I saw you when you... arrived."

I put on the jacket, wrapping it tightly around me, the sleeves were too long and the jacket went down to a point midway down my shins, but I was instantly warm, and I guess the relief was showing all over my face, because the woman smiled when she saw it, she had the sort of smile that lights up a face, and I found myself warming up to her, this strange woman I'd never met before.

"Come with us please, I know there's a lot you don't understand and I promise I'll try to explain as best as I can, but first we need to get you out of the cold, it's getting chillier by the minute. And don't worry, you get to choose whether to stay or go somewhere else afterwards. And I should mention, I have a daughter about your age, I think you two will get along well"

She held out her hand for me, and somehow I took it, there was just something about her that made me trust her. Maybe it was the warmth I saw in her eyes, or the genuine way she smiled, but I had this feeling she wouldn't do anything to hurt me, so I went with her.

I'd never held anyone's hand before, it felt kind of strange but not in a bad way, it made me feel like I wasn't so alone anymore. But then again, I never had hands before, so I shouldn't have been thinking about what was strange or not, me being where I was was already strange enough.

She walked me to a car and opened the back door for me, then rode shot-gun with the man, Aiden, now jacket-less, up front.

They talked about little things, like how it was still a bit cold even though it was the beginning of summer, and how the grass was even greener in spring, with beautiful flowers scattered all over the fields we passed, and I listened even when my eyes started getting heavier, and I couldn't stop myself from yawning every two minutes or so.

I think I may have fallen asleep again, because the next time I opened my eyes, the car ride was over and we were parked in front of a really beautiful house, it wasn't exactly big but it definitely wasn't small either.

I let Rachel guide me in and show me around, and then she took me into a really pretty room, gave me clothes to wear and left with promises to explain everything the next day.

I sprawled out on the bed and I was out, faster than you could have said "Sand man"


I was shaken awake the next day, not roughly but not too gently either. I took in my surroundings and started panicking a bit because I couldn't remember where I was. The room I was in had blue-green wallpaper, seam foam the tiny voice at the back of my mind said, the color's seam foam. The room had a wallpaper with seam foam background and little lavender flowers, there were paintings of flowers hanging on the wall and a cute silver mirror with lavender flowers and sparkly stones on it, a white vanity sat below it, and a matching set of drawers stood against the adjacent wall, beautiful lavender curtains covered the window on a third wall and kept out most of the sun's rays.

The ceiling slanted down on one side, towards the wall the chest of drawers stood against, and I wondered how I didn't notice I was up in the attic the night before...

My gaze was drawn to the carpet on the floor, it was as soft as it looked and also lavender, I couldn't help remembering how it felt when I sunk my toes in its soft fibers. Almost as soft as the bed I lay in.

The bed took up the fourth wall, its headboard lying against it. It was big and white and had lavender sheets with seam foam and white patterns, there were also enough pillows to hide in.

I looked up at the person who woke me up, straight into blue eyes, like the blue patches on earth, like the ocean...

The girl that stood over me was about my height and had dirty blonde hair that grazed her shoulders, she was wearing jeans and a tank-top with flip-flops, and she did not look happy.

"Mum said to tell you to come downstairs for breakfast, your food's getting cold" she said, and then she left, without another word.

I suddenly remembered I was at Rachel and Aiden's and that was their daughter. So much for us getting along, that's obviously not happening anytime soon.

I got up and was wondering if I should go down in the clothes Rachel gave me to wear to sleep or look for something else to wear when I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Come in", I answered, without asking who was there and in came Rachel with a big smile on her face.

"Mimi told me you were awake but I just came to see if you truly were and if there's anything you need"

Mimi, so that's the girl's name...

"Erm, I was wondering if you could lend me some clothes, I don't have any, I'll pay you back as soon as I know how" I kept my eyes on the floor, not wanting to see the expression on her face.

"Oh honey, it's okay, you just walk in this closet and pick whatever fits, and you don't have to pay"

She opened a door I must have missed when I was inspecting the room -it had no handle and was covered by the same wallpaper that covered the walls- and walked into a room on the other side of it then gestured for me to follow.

The closet was really big and there were different types of dresses, tops and jeans, bags, jewelery and other accessories, and shoes, lots and lots of shoes. You could say it was every girl's dream closet, even I liked it, I especially loved the shoes.

I was still taking it all in when she picked out a knee-length flowery dress, a black leather jacket and red sneakers, and held them out to me

"Here, try these on, I think they'll look good on you, but you should hurry, your food's getting cold, meet me in the kitchen when you're done okay?", and with that she left

I quickly pulled on the clothes, combed out the tangles in my hair with the comb I found on the vanity and slowly made my way downstairs to the kitchen Rachel showed me the last night, wobbling a bit on my sort of new legs.

How do humans move about so fast on these anyway???



So what do you think about a star becoming human? I really wanted to try out something different and then I started thinking about shooting stars and then, voila! I got one of those light-bulb moments.

"You're a shooting star I see, a vision of ectasy..." *singing*

And there I go, getting carried away again, smh

And yes, I'm back writing paranormal stuff, way easier and more exciting than other stuff.

Anyway, please VCaf (Vote, Comment and/or Fan) if you like it. Comments AND votes are really appreciated, they make me feel like I'm doing the right thing. You can also send messages to me directly if you don't want to post comments here.

One more thing, can you all help me say hi and thank you to my best friend Mimi (did you spot a Mimi in the book?)? Pretty please? she's @BO_oMi and she's the reason why I'm on Wattpad in the first place, even though I chose to hide and just read other books the first 2 or 3 years, but hey, we all have our inactive moments.

I'd really appreciate it if you'd check out my other book too, it's called Jamie, and it's entirely different from this, and erm, don't let the cover put you off, it's actually nothing like the book. "Don't judge a book by its cover" right? 😁

See ya!

XOxO- Zara

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