Stay awake.

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Y/N-third person POV:
As Y/N approaches the table, she had it. She felt dead as she hit the ground lying there unconscious. She heard faint yelling and someone whimper it was Will...She wanted to turn over and tell him that everything is alright, that she's okay. But she couldn't. And that was when she was dead...she just died, but yet no one would know until they checked her heart rate..

Byers house overall POV:
Will whimpers and cries his little heart out, while Joyce runs over hugging her son tightly, Will taking in the warmth created between them it burnt him a lot he wanted to scream loudly. But he wouldn't dare let go of his mother his only source of comfort, Jim knelt down next to Y/N his breathing wild his chest heaving and yet Y/N's chest wasn't moving her stomach wasn't going up and down. Will cried a little harder if possible and the others kids and Steve stood there gazing at the scene perplexed. Just scared. Jim started to perform CPR oh this bought back times...horrible but memories of Will in the upside close to death, there was hope then..but now the atmosphere seems more dimer, less hope. "COME ON Y/N! PLEASE!!" Will shouted not realizing that it was him Shouting. But there was no heart heart rate. Nothing to tell them that she was alive....
But was she?

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