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Lucas POV (Lucas sees Mike come to school with El behind him on his bike, Then comes Max on her skateboard and Dustin on his bike but no sign on Will)
El: Where's Will?
Lucas: I've got no idea, he hasn't came in OR out of the school (Mike smiles a little)
Dustin: Mike...? What is it?
Mike: Why would Will come back to school? He hates it here remember?
Max: maybe he didn't finish something and had to go back in?
Mike: Don't think so.
Dustin POV
(Lucas puts his arm around Max and Mike holds El's hand) *-Wish I had that kind of relationship thinks Dustin*
Lucas: Might as well go into school.
(They all nod their heads)
Dustin: El can't you find will with your powers?
El: Sorry Dustin I would but I'm already drained I was helping find someone else.
Mike: Yeah sorry Dustin.
Max: Me and Mike can go to Wills place after School if your that concerned Dustin.
Dustin: Yeah okay thanks, talk to me on channel 4 though please to tell me if he's there
Lucas: Yeah they will
Come on class is starting soon don't want to get another detention (Bell rings it after school, and Max rides with Mike, Max on her skateboard and Mike on his Bike.) Max POV
Max: I think I've only ever been to Wills place twice I don't remember to well.
Mike: Yeah, it's fine just follow me
Max: Okay...Mike I'm worried about Lucas
Mike: Why what's wrong? (Max looks serious as she rides on her skateboard through the ground of the forest and Mike rides his bike) Max: He's been acting... Off like he doesn't act like he loves me.
In history today when I tried to hold his hand he just moved his hand and then his science when I was just talking to him he ignored me.
Mike: But he seemed fine with you in the morning before school
Max: Yeah then was fine but the rest of the day he was off.
Mike: I'll talk to him for you
Max: Really? thank you Mike.
Mike: No problem.... Okay take a right here and we will be at Will's house. (They both arrive at Will's place)
Joyce POV
Will: Mom...005..I don't know who that is I swear
Joyce: ..Will I'm worried about you
Will: I know but I'm fine, I feel fine. Why wouldn't you let me go to school?
Joyce: I wanted to make sure you were okay

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