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Chris put the new stuffed goat on the couch. Dramallama and Peepachu were on the shelf.


After the camera was off and the Humans were gone, Dramallama fell off the shelf.

"They're gone," Dramallama spoke. Except they didn't really speak, because they're a stuffed animal.

"I'm coming down," Peepachu announced as the large stuffed animal fell. Except he didn't really speak, because he's a stuffed animal.

"Hi," Billy said as he saw the stuffed animals. "I saw you before when I came in." Except he didn't really see them when he came in, because he's a stuffed animal.

"We saw you too," Peepachu remembered. Except he didn't really remember anything, because he's a stuffed animal.

"What's your name?" Dramallama asked. "I'm Dramallama."

"I'm Peepachu."

"I don't know my name," Billy said, looking through the hashtag on twitter. Except he didn't really look through twitter, because he's a stuffed animal.

"This Poll says your name should be Billy," Peepachu read. Except he didn't really read, because he's a stuffed animal.

"I like it," Dramallama decided. Except they didn't really decide, because they're a stuffed animal.

Dramallama and Billy sat next to each other on the couch. Peepachu sat next to them as Skip came in.

"Hi CatPat," Peepachu said as Skip jumped onto the couch. Except he didn't really speak, because he's a stuffed animal.

"Hi Peepachu. Hi Dramallama. Who's this?" Skip asked as he saw the new stuffed animal. He didn't really speak but he did meow, because he's a cat.

"This is Billy. Billy, this is CatPat," Dramallama introduced the stuffed animal and the cat to each other. Except they didn't really introduce them to each other, because they're a stuffed animal.

"Nice to meet you," Skip sounded bored as he snuggled Peepachu. "The Humans are getting each other flowers again," Skip informed the stuffed animals. He actually did inform them of this, but only by meowing, because he's a cat.

"Interesting. Should I get you something nice, or you get me something nice?" Peepachu asked Skip. Except he couldn't really get Skip anything, because he's a stuffed animal.

Skip licked Peepachu's nose. It wasn't really kissing, because cats and stuffed animals can't kiss each other.

'Can we do that?' Billy wondered. He moved to kiss Dramallama, and kissed them. Except they didn't really kiss, because stuffed animals can't really kiss.

"I like it," Dramallama said when they separated, before kissing Billy again. Except they didn't really speak or kiss, because they're stuffed animals.


The next morning, Matt found Skip snuggling Peepachu in the hallway, and the new stuffed goat and Dramallama were right next to each other. He put Dramallama and Peepachu back on the shelf, and the new stuffed goat back on the couch.

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