We made small talk for another hour, staring at the blackened sky. The only illumination coming from the moon and the stars which you could see clear as day. An oxymoron, I know. I said goodnight and trudged back to my uncomfortable cot to try to sleep. That night I didn't dream of zombies but for the first time of my family back home.

We took our turns showering that morning, the lukewarm water was still better than no water. Chloe was quietly bristling in her loft. She was mad that Ethan was going without her and refused to talk to anyone. Zoe was trying to get her to say something but all it earned her was a glare so she gave up. I dumped out my backpack contents and filled it with water, some measly amounts of food and extra ammo. My second pistol was thrown in there, with the safety on, and the other one was secured to my belt; well it was mine now. John had the map spread out on the picnic table to try to route this thing out.

"Ok so our best bet isn't to go back into New Orleans but to hit up a town or city around it," John said, his fingers swiping across the arteries on the map, "I was thinking Gretna since it's on this side of the Mississippi River."

"What's the population like?" Darren questioned.

Even though he wasn't coming on the trip, he still wanted to be part of the planning.

"Decent size. We'll find lots of stores and houses to gather supplies from. There's even a police station we could check out," John answered, "But it's not so big that we would have a sea of infected to go through."

"Zombies," Chloe finally spoke.

"What?" Ethan asked her confused by her sudden word.

"Ya'll keep calling them infected but they're zombies," Chloe said exasperated.

Well she wasn't wrong; I guess we still felt stupid actually saying it out loud.

"Alright, we won't have as many zombies to worry about like we would in New Orleans," John reiterated.

"How far is it from here?" I asked.

"Two hours give or take, dependin' on what we come across," John said.

"How do you always know these things?" I asked, genuinely curious.

John chuckled, "I grew up here darlin', I know the area pretty well and have been readin' maps since before I was five."

Man I couldn't even tell you what direction I was facing at the moment; well at least not without a compass.

"I think we should take my truck," Ethan said, "Even though it's not as quiet as your car, it will carry more."

"Probably a good idea, just in case we run into a group of infected somewhere. Your truck will have a better chance of not getting caught in it," Taylor added and John nodded.

"Ya'll packed?" John looked around at all of us with our backpacks and gear on.

"Looks like it," Zoe said.

We tossed our bags into the back of the truck and tied them down with a tarp and cable ties, which we would need for when we bring all the supplies back. Chloe grabbed onto Ethan and wouldn't let go so he had to basically pry her off. Zoe came up to me and gave me a giant hug.

"Can't, breath," I squeaked out through her squeezing.

"Don't die ok?" She said to me.

"Well since you asked so nicely..." I grinned, "And same goes to you. Use your secret hillbilly skills if need be."

"I knew I shouldn't have told you about the gopher hunting," She shook her head.

Next Darren gave me an awkward, one armed hug,

This Would Be Paradise (Book 1)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now