Settling Down

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The gentle swishing sound of the wind outside of the apartment woke Yvonne from her sleep. Her azure blue eyes opened just enough to see the bright red letters glaring the time right back at her.

It was 7:33, perfect time to wake up. Just as she was placing her paws on the cold floor of her bedroom, her phone began ringing the oh so familiar ringtone she has chosen for her parents.

Hesitantly, she picked up, and held the phone close to her large ears. It was not a secret that she was not on the best of terms with her parents, considering the fact that she did not belong there at all.

Being adopted is hard, to say the least. That's right. Yvonne was adopted by a family of wolves when she was only 2 years old.

Long story short, her mother seemingly wanted nothing to do with her, and so, she left Yvonne on the streets when her daughter was not looking.

With a deep sigh, she held her phone against her ear with a trembling hand, mumbling out a quiet "hi".

"Yvonne baby! How are you? I've missed you so so so much! Your father missed you as well. Tell me, how's it going on there?"

Feeling slightly relieved to hear only her mother's voice, Yvonne answered.

"Hello, Mother. I have been missing you as well. Everything has been fantastic so far, thank you for asking. You can tell Father that I miss him just as much. How are my brothers?"

As much as she hated asking about her siblings, Yvonne knew that it was either asking, or sitting in one place for over an hour because her mother would not shut up about them.

All the while she was listening to her mother's speech, she slipped on a light blue tank top and some skinny jeans, just low enough to let her snow white tail pop out.

Making her way to the kitchen, she held her phone between her cheek and shoulders as she prepared some ingredients for breakfast.

"Have you found any handsome boys yet, Eve? I want granchildren!"

Shock ran through her body at the sudden question, the oil from the pan splashing on her paw. She yelped in pain, hissing lightly.

"Mother, have you lost your mind? If you have not forgotten, I have still not had the chance to even unpack everything in my apartment, let alone find anyone suitable for my tastes. And, just so you know, I don't plan on finding myself anyone just yet." She scowled, washing her paw under some luke warm water. Even just looking at the redness on her paw hurt. God damn it, she thought.

"I am so sorry, baby. I just thought maybe you would be much more wuicker about these things, since you have been there for almost two weeks now!
Can't have my beautiful daughter without a mate!" Her mom's cheerful voice chirped, not sounding sorry at all.

Putting to phone on speaker, the young vixen placed the device on the countertop, turning back to making her bacons and eggs in peace.

She checked the time on the clock resting on the wall, and was surprised to see that an hour has already passed.

Yvonne interrupted her mother's rant with a cough. "Sorry Mother, but I have to go, or I am going to be late from an interview." She said, as she placed her plate of bacons on the countertop with a light clank.

"Yes of course Hun! Sorry that I kept you for so long, we all wish you luck, baby! Have fun!" And then she hung up.

Yvonne groaned, placing her head onto her paws.
She checked the battery left on her phone, and frowned. Great, I'll have to put it up to charge again. Stupid phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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