Introducing me

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Harry looks over at the pictures on the cream colored wall, it's decorated with Savannah's photoshoots and silly pictures of us together.

"Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I like playing guitar and I was never really a sports guy. I write songs as well. And I absolutely love reading. I have a sister named Gemma, she's older than I am." he pauses and smiles a bit. "And I love being in control. I get what i want when Inwant it. Ill never ever let it go." He smirks wickedly. Instead of replying I just glare at him.

"Any who, How is your sister?" He questions  out of nowhere.

"Uh she's fine." I spoke on edge.

"Are you ladies close?" He finally takes his eyes off Savannah's pictures and looks at me.

"We are now." He looks at me. Obviously waiting for more. "When we were younger Dad always chose to spoil her but not me. She was daddy's girl." I started.

"It was honestly a pretty rough childhood. I started work at the age of nine, cleaning houses for my dads friends. At the time, he and my mother didn't know but his friends beat me daily. They made me wear short dresses and cropped tops." I have no idea why I was telling him this but he just made it so easy to talk to him. He looks at me sadly and nods his head.

"But I bet you already knew that." I spat rolling my eyes.

"I did know that." he says softly. "And I'm so sorry that happened-"

"Wait you knew I was getting abused. And you didn't do shit about it?" I start to break down. All those times I could have been saved he didn't do shit. Yet he claims he 'Loves me'

I stood up and march over to my front door.

"Out!" My blood is boiling.

"Anna, it's not like that. Trust me, they all got what they deserved. I handled them."

"Get! Out! Of! My! Fucking! House!" I scream so loud, That I wake Savannah.

"Mommy?" She starts to whimper. She stumbles slightly over her pink gown. Mainly because it's too long and her black curly hair is covering her brown eyes.

"Im sorry for yelling, baby. Mommy is just really, really sad right now." I crouch down to her level holding her tiny soft hands. Harry pushes back his chair. It makes a loud screeching noise causing Savannah to look his way.

When she sees him she smiles so big and wide.

"Harry!" She runs, or attempts to, over to him hugging his leg tightly.

"Mommy this is my favorite teacher. Papa said he's going to be my permeant teacher." Harry picks hers up and swings her around. She giggles along with Harry.

"He said that huh?" I growl.

Fuck. Him.

"Do you want to watch Moana with me and mommy?" She asks.

"Of course I do." He smiles, rubbing his nose against hers.

"Mommy lets get the snacks."

After Moana, Harry decides to stay for dinner. Martha starts to make pot roast, sting beans, mashed potatoes and apple cornbread. With Savannah's help.

While dinner was finishing up Harry continued to tell me about himself. 

"Honestly, I'm not listening to shit you're saying." I take a sip of my grape juice. But yet, I was listening. I convinced myself to say I wasn't when I actually was.

"I'm just trying to introduce myself, Anna. You're the one making it difficult." He sighs. "I'm trying to make you happy. More comfortable around me."

"Well stop trying. I don't give a shit."
Savannah comes running into the living room.

"Dinners ready mommy." Harry and I  both get up and head to the kitchen to join Martha and Savannah.

Martha is setting up the dinner plates. Harry helps Savannah into her chair and places a napkin over her chest.

We finally start to eat, Savannah watches Harry intently.

"Do you like it Harry?" Savannah asks while spooning at her potatoes.

Why does his opinion matter?

"I love it babygirl."

After dinner, Harry helps put Savannah to bed. He pulls up the covers over her and kisses her cheek.

"Goodnight, Petal." He whispers.

I roll my eyes while gagging internally. Harry and I both walk out of her room.

"You didn't need to do that. It's my job." As I was talking he starts walking towards the door. Martha hands him his jacket and hat.

"Yeah, but it'll be my job too." With that he bids Martha a good night. He places a soft kiss on my cheek and walks out into the pouring rain.

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