"Yeah, so now that we've identified the holes in our security, we can go to work plugging them-" Winn continued, before J'onn cut him off.

"Do you think I'm a fool, Agent Schott?" J'onn asked.

"No, sir, absolutely not," Winn replied instantly. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Lena glancing over at him, stifling a giggle; until J'onn directed his gaze towards her.

"Ms. Luthor?"

"Oh, no," she said, genially dismissive of the idea; until J'onn raised an eyebrow at her, when she followed up, more seriously, with, "I mean, of course not..." and then, as Alex quietly but deliberately stepped into her field of vision, "...sir."

"Good. Because the only holes we seem to have in our security right now are the two of you."

J'onn hadn't raised his voice. It would have been better if he'd raised his voice. Winn squirmed uncomfortably; Lena, on the other hand, had never squirmed before, but was adapting well to this advanced class she'd found herself in.

J'onn pressed on.

"Now, what exactly made you think I would have authorised such a security test - which I did not - and what exactly did it have to do with compromising our entire operation, or forcing everyone here to endanger their lives performing a rescue operation?"

"That's a very good question, sir, and I can explain..." Winn stammered out.

And then... he couldn't.

He opened and closed his mouth a few times, but not one word of explanation could pass his lips. He could feel every pair of eyes staring at him, as he just stood there in silence. He turned to Lena out of desperation.

"Don't look at me; this was your idea," she said.

Winn didn't so much hear the groan from the audience surrounding him as much as feel it, like an invisible force. He went back over the events of the afternoon in his mind, and had to admit defeat.

"Yeah, I- I- I- did... do that, but..." And again, the words failed him. From the look of the agents around him, the Rice Krispies treats would probably have to get upgraded to cupcakes.

"I'm waiting," J'onn said, expectantly.

"Me too," Winn instantly replied. J'onn sighed, angrily.

"Could we have the room, please?" he asked the surrounding agents; who then, begrudgingly obeyed. They'd clearly been hoping to see the show. "Alex, can you please give Ms Luthor a medical examination?"

Alex glanced Lena up and down. "She's fine," she deadpanned.

"Good. Please escort her from the building," he said.

"Come on, Princess," Alex shoved Lena forward, making her stumble as she was marched out. As they were approaching the door, J'onn added, "Take her to the lobby, but don't release her. Not just yet. Not until I say."

Winn watched them leave, a little worried. Lena had gotten better treatment on Slaver's Moon.

Once everyone was out the door, Winn relaxed a little. But not much.

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