Lies And Power [9]

Start from the beginning

A sudden realization hit as a snake bit deep into the flesh at my shoulder. I kicked the vampire in the face, and black blood squirted up onto me. The snake held on though, as the damned monster fled. It was like the snake was a part of the vampire. It probably was.

My shoulder suddenly lost feeling, and I started to wonder why my dad didn't get up and help me yet. Pain was shocking, and suddenly I was feeling very weak. I didn't have time to force myself okay. The snake ripped off a chuck of my t-shirt, and was still biting into my flesh.

I slammed my shoulder into the floor, and black liquid shot from it. I realized it was dead then, but it was still stuck. I cursed in agony, and blindly ripped it off from its jaw. The top jaw came free, but the bottom was lodged into my shoulder.

There was a quiet suspicion at the back of my mind. How come I could hurt the damned, when Ashley and Garret said I couldn't? I ignored the thought, and threw the snake at a vampire that was still trying to attack Ashley. Garret was trying to help, but he was limping badly.

It sliced through the air, and cleaned off the creatures head. It flew out the window. Too late, I realized who I had killed. It was the only one wearing purple robes, and it was bigger than the rest. All of a sudden the screaming outside stopped and silence cut through the air like a MUTE button on a remote.

Cries of agony suddenly swept up around us. It felt like a massive wind was starting to form outside. The windows were suddenly flung open, and wind swirled around the room. Glass sprayed down, and it was very hard to duck; we still couldn't see anything.

Suddenly, a blinding white light came up from the window. It lightly soared over to the opening. It slowly made its way in, and went through the glass shards still attached to the window.

In the confusion, I didn't look at my dad, Ashley, Garret, or the butler. The ball of light slowly crept into the room, like movies with ghosts. It stopped, and hovered over the vampire's body. It was headless, and black blood spilled from the neck, and kept creeping into the seams and threading of the carpet.

I saw a movement next to the body shrink away. But I couldn't move. Suddenly, a hand lightly rose out of the sphere. Then a leg, another arm, and a torso. Something was climbing out of the sphere. When the figure stepped out, I heard a cry of shock, and a growl.

The cry was from me. I knew who this was automatically. The familiar sense gripped at my senses, and screamed in protest. It couldn't.... My hand lightly went to my neck, and touched the chain there. It had been a present... from my mom. It had her picture and my father's in a little picture square. It was a locket, but not shaped as a heart.

I had asked her why she didn't look like that anymore, the same cheerfulness and bright light in her eyes. She had said it was old age

It was my mom. It looked exactly like she had before she turned into the Minotaur. My mom was standing over the vampire. She lightly reached down, into his upturned chest. She grabbed a wiggling dark light, and turned to me. The vampires' body vanished.

Her ghost was pure white. IT was as blinding as the orb. My eyes stung, but I couldn't look away. There was no emotion inside of me. It was like I didn't really see her. It felt like she wasn't there.

She was wearing a flowing dress, and her hair was up in a bun. She was translucent. I could see the shattered window behind her. Out of the edge of her pool of light, there was blackness. Nothing was inside of the light circle except her.

She floated next to me. When she was right in front of me, I could see her perfectly. I didn't cry. I didn't smile. I stared. She wasn't real. She was a memory like the rest of my life. Nothing was right. She held out the wiggling black thing in her hand. It was like smoke.

She lightly reached forward, and went through my chest.

My whole body felt painless, and unreal. It was like I was floating with her. Suddenly, everything seemed bright and happy almost. Her color returned. It seemed like everything would be okay. I felt her fingers release the black fog into me. Then, she lightly pulled her fingers out of me.

The world knocked back into place like a splash of reality. I fell to my knees, and pain filled me. The wind was still spinning out of control. Suddenly, everything stopped. I heard whimpering.

The pain was filled also with something that hurt like I was slapped by the person I loved the most.

I looked up at my mom. She was smiling at me, standing there. I felt something inside of my stir. What did she put in me? I suddenly felt hatred. Hatred for everything. You did she leave me? If she could come right now, why didn't she come earlier?

I stood up, and yanked off my silver chain. I held it out. She lightly took it, and stared at it. She looked up to me, pain on her beautifully fake face. I closed my eyes, and demanded her to leave. In my mind, I felt her fighting, pleading, pushing not to leave. I gave a final, hard shove, and the light that was still showing behind my eyelids, disappeared.

I felt hands grip me. I didn't realize that I had started to faint, until Garret was lightly slapping my face. I opened my eyes, and stared up at his worried face.

"Jake, oh god how do you feel?" He whispered. I didn't answer. I stared at his face. Something was wrong. VERY wrong. His expression was closed as if something happened, and he didn't want to even think about it. His eyes were dark pools of worry.

I felt something sticky on my back. The carpet was ruined, that was all I knew. But something was in the air, besides the stench of fire, and blood. It was death. I slowly sat up. Blood rushed to my head, and I suddenly pushed Garret away, and threw up on the already ruined carpet.

Garret patted my back, as if scared to touch me, but wanting to comfort me.

"What did she do to me?" I whispered. He stared at me in shock, leaning into my view.


"My.... I saw my mom. She came out of the light...." I trailed off, feeling uneasy. I wondered how the lights came back on.

"You saw your mom? We... we saw the demon." HE whispered. I stared at him, suddenly terrified.


"The demon. He was here earlier, but he fled. He was attacking your dad..." he trailed off. He seemed to stop thinking. "He... well, you scared him off... a little too late," He whispered.

I stared at him. I jumped up, and spun around.

I was going to kill the demon, if it was the last thing I did.

My dad's broken; lifeless body was bleeding on the floor. The blood was sweeping into the carpet, like the tears that ran down my blood stained face.


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