road to nowhere

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I hear the sound of a car engine as I wake up. I open my eyes and I'm in the passenger seat of a truck. I look and I'm not in any restraints. Nothing's holding me down. I look at the two people in the front seats. They hadn't noticed I woke up. I grab the car door and I ram it open, they skid to a stop when I did and I jumped out of the car, I started to run toward the woods when a guy threw me to the ground. "HEY!" he was a taller black guy with a basketball player type body. "Can the shit!, We aren't here to kidnap you we are helping you, I just don't want you hurting none of my guys" he looked at me and helped me up, I look at him. "Help me with what..." He glances into the distance. "Our base. Once we get back it's home free. We are scavangers. With enough food in that truck to last our small community another five years" I look at him "and you want me why..."  He looks back at me "we need fighters... You look pretty much there. People are scarce nowadays" I nod softly "what's your name... And everyone else's..." He looks around "I'm Issac..  that's Freddie. That's Johnathan and that there is Steve" they all look and I kept nodding in agreement. "I'm Alex.." Issac smiles "we should be going. Lots of road ahead" we all got back into the cars and drove. I sat in the seat next to Steve this time

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