Flash back (part one)

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Flash back


"Come on Thranduil we can't be late." She giggles.

"I'm coming I'm coming geash. Wait no cass not that way my ........."

She pushed through the doors still running. I stopped in the entree way.

"My father is in a meeting and we are not to enter...." I looked at my feet in shame for not telling her sooner cause I knew she wouldn't let me take the blame on this one nor will my father.

"Ercassiel! My dear friends please excuse me. Ercassiel follow me now please!"

"Yes sir. " she dipped her head in embarrassment and shame. For she knew her father had seen her run in there and it brought great shame to him.

"Thranduil I will talk to you once I'm done here in the meeting. Now go!" My father spoke with great strength.

"Yes father."

"Ercassiel I will think of your punishment while I am in the meeting then I will come to you once I have finished talking with Thranduil." I heard my father speak as I walked away.

"Understood my king." Ercassiel's voice was hurt and trembling.

"Now go I have work to finish."

She came running down the hall and blew past me.

"ERCASSIEL! Wait up!!" I couldn't even keep pace with her and I was growing tired of running every where. I slowed as it came to a fork in the hall and I just decided to take the hall that led to my room that was right next to my fathers and across the hall three doors down was Ercassiel's room. I hoped she wouldn't do anything radical like run away or harm her self. One cause I would have to hunt her down with my father. Two I would die if she left us by either death or running away. Three it's all because I like her but I am stupid for having these feelings.

"Knock, knock." The sound broke my thoughts.


"Thranduil...... "

"Here father."

"You forgot to tell her didn't you? It wasn't her fault was it? I'm not mad im just a little embarrassed. Plus Thranduil I see the way you look at her, yes she is a princess but your wife has already been chosen for you. But I your father and the king give you a limited chance to change your future wife." With that he exited my room.


Oropher's p.o.v

I shut Thranduil's door and made my way to Ercassiel's. I felt bad for getting as upset with her as I did. She didn't know because my son the future king did not pass on important information. I have to speak with her and tell her I was sorry for getting that upset. Her father came from her room and his hands and arms were red as cherries.

"I thought I told you to stay away from her! She no longer follows your rules she follows mine because this is my kingdom. Pack your stuff and leave Greenwood you are no longer welcomed here."

"She is my daughter and I can punish her as I see fit, but she wasn't even in there."he snarled back.

"Where is she?! Why are your hands and arms red? What have you done?!!" I yelled back as I pushed past him running for her door.

"I don't know where she is. Don't open that door or you will find out on your own. I have done nothing not yet anyways." He spun to face me as I pushed on her door.

"Ercassiel!? Please answer me? I'm sorry I got so upset earlier I didn't mean it." I pushed her doors wide open and two great Cerberus came charging out. One stood tall in front of me while the other one ran past. It looked me dead in the eyes then ripped around and attacked Ercassiel's father. I rushed into Ercassiel's room looking for any signs that she was in there, but no signs except a small piece of parchment with lovely writing spilled acrossed it.

All my life with Thranduil. (Thranduil fan fiction) rated M for mature.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu