Chapter 2

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Mrs. Evergreen is a nice teacher. She's very intelligent and patient around others. Many students like her the most, but of course no one said that infront of other teachers. One downside to this was that she has her favorite pair of students. She always favored them. She always brushed it off when they were late or if they didn't have any assignments done.

There was Olivia and Oliver Lewis, the theatre twins. Olivia is a very passionate, strawberry-blonde haired female. She is quite the opposite of her twin Oliver, who is a short-tempered but kind male. They're both very talented and smart. They would often go into small quarrels and teasing, nothing too big.

There was Amelia Francheska Jones, or just "Ameil" for short. She's a light-skinned, British-American, long slightly-curly blonde hair. She's quite mature and bright for her age.

And there was Mathias Rosenberg. A shy and jumpy brunet. He was often picked on because of his small stature and askance attitude. But, Mrs. Evergreen seems to favor him the most. Maybe he reminded her of her daughter Mariah. Mariah was definitely alike Mathias, just with different features and the fact that she's younger than him by 5 years.

Back to our main characters,

Martha was taking down notes while Ell poked her cheek with a pen. This was their daily routine everyday. Martha groaned, "Stop it." She said.

Ell smiled cheekily and nodded her head.

A few minutes later, Ell did it again.

Martha glared at her best friend, while Ell just smiled back at her. It was amazing how Martha could last long with the girl.

"Would you please stop?"

"No." Ell replied while sticking her tongue out. Martha groaned at her friend's childishness.

Ell eventually left Martha alone and stared out of the window. She seemed to be concentrated on something.

Mrs. Evergreen noticed the two and smiled. She was like Martha when she was younger, a smart and sarcastic student with a total polar opposite as her bestfriend. She missed those days.

The school bell rang. It's annoying tune startling the teacher back to her senses.
"Ah okay. That is all for today. Goodbye."

The teacher left the room before the students and walked off to her next class to teach.

Martha had to snap out Ell from her day-dreams yet again to drag her to her next class.
English was one of Ell's favorite subjects. She would usually be attentive and jolt down notes. But she seemed to be too distracted today.  Unluckily for her, she managed to miss important notes the teacher had given to the class.
But she would always ask Martha for notes later, it was kind of their thing.

Ell always depends on Martha for almost everything, specially school notes and things similar to that. She considered the brunette as an older sister.

Martha was always annoyed by Ell's dramatic gestures and care-free attitude, but she would always protect the blondie from any harm. She viewed her as a younger sibling who was totally innocent and was needed to be protected.

"Hey Martha?" Ell asked her best friend, who was quietly reading her book.

They're currently in the library. School hours are done and Martha likes to hang out at the library. It was a quiet and peaceful place, besides the noisy blonde.


"You have the notes for English right?"

A tick mark appeared on Martha's head. She was used to this, but it annoyed her everytime.

She gave her notebook to Ell, who was sheepishly grinning. "Thanks Mar!"

"You always ask me for notes anyways, and it's Martha. Never call me that ever again."

"Got it, captain" Ell jokingly saluted as her best friend rolled her eyes.

(Sorry for the delay! And sorry if this is a small chapter. I have a lot of things to do. )

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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