Chapter 1

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The new girl

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The new girl

"Dad? Dad? DAD?!" I shouted when I got home from school. 

A strange woman was there, I  didn't know why, but I knew it wasn't good.

"Hello deary, you're going to have to go to Elm Tree House! She said.

I stared  at her like, 'what da hell is Elm Tree House'. My dad stared uneasy then he said,

" Dear Ashleigh, you are going to have to go to a care home I've got a treatment at the doctors, then I will have to go to America for 3 years, you will still be in the care system though, because then I will have to find myself somebody to be your mom and get a new house and a job and everything, I want to make sure it's perfect for when you come, so you might be there for 5 years, but the care worker said, if you're not ready you can stay until you're 20 ,then you really have to go!"

I stared at him horrified my eyes wide open my mouth just a bit open and my eyebrows raised. I couldn't bear for him to be sad though, so I didn't cry I just answered,

"Yeah dad, I understand, I love you!"

I hugged him so hard and he hugged me to, as the doctor behind him carted him off, and left me standing on my own, I waited until the door was closed, and the ambulance was drawn out of sight.

"Im staying here LADY!" I said to the lady.

"My name is Daniella! And, NO your not!" Daniella answered, then she hoisted me over her shoulders.

"LET GO OF ME YOU WICKED MONSTER! ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" I screamed at her, kicking and yelling, all the next door neighbours looked out their doors, this was the only time I didn't mind people staring, because they might call the police and take Daniella away!

She put me in the back seat, when I had calmed down, but I was still SUPER mad!When we arrived I got picked up out the car, and as soon as we were in the door, I tried to run out again, everyone started laughing and doing a chant of 'NEW GIRL, NEW GIRL, NEW GIRL!' I think they were supporting me, and as soon as I leaped through an open window,then a lady grabbed me and pushed me down. 

I didn't bother to fight back, because I knew that I'd have to stay in this dump. I scanned the room seeing all the people there, then my eyes fell on a girl that looked about 14.

"Jody? Is that you??????"

Everyone turned to look at her, she looked surprised and then seemed to be having a flashback.

"Yes... Wait are you Mimi?????" She asked curious.

I nodded and jumped up off the floor and hugged her tight! She hugged me back too!

Mimi life as a care kidWhere stories live. Discover now