Every touch every kiss is reverent, loving, and passionate. I have never had someone so slowly and thoroughly love me. I help him shed his shirt, and I am rewarded with the most beautiful man I have ever seen. My lips trace the defined muscles of his chest and shoulders.

As my legs begin to tire and I shift uncomfortably, and Mason understands my pain. He picks me up in his arms, as if I weigh nothing, and carries me to the bedroom. "I'm not asking for more. I'm just giving you a more comfortable place to stretch out."

"What if I want more?" I feel him smile in my neck as I ask.

"Then, you may have to talk me into it, because tonight is about you. As much as I want to make love to you, I didn't come prepared. I wasn't going to press my luck."

My fingers make quick work of his button and zipper. "It's a good thing I'm prepared then." The words leave my mouth with the sound of his pants hitting the floor. I take a moment to drink in the sight of Mason's body clad only in a snug pair of grey boxer briefs that is barely containing his arousal.

His eyes become playful as he lays me across the bed holding my arms above my head, and begins to trail kisses from my jaw to my breast. He slowly, methodically follows the curve of my arm all the way down to the waistband of my pants. With one hand the button is free, and my zipper is loosened. Letting go, he swiftly removes my pants, and in a heartbeat he is next to me.

His playful eyes become more serious with nothing but two thin pieces of cloth separating us, Our pace slows down again. He pulls me into an embrace and ceases his caresses, and the only thing we feel is our hearts beating in sync, as one. I nuzzle deeper into his arms, and the overwhelming feeling of this moment brings tears to my eyes. I love this man.

"Do you feel this?" I nod. "This is bigger than you and me; this is us. This is precious." He buries his head into my neck, and my heart begins to hammer into his chest. "This is our love, and I want to hold you in this moment forever." His breath warms my neck, and heat congregates in one central spot in my body, and I am unable to swallow. His hold is firm letting our love grow.

"I love you, Mason."

"I love you, too, so very much."

Slowly he begins to nibble and tug at my lips, begging for access. I open to him and we move in harmony. Every part of my being responds to this man, to his touch, to his smell, to his warmth, to his overwhelming desire for me. He ignites my body on his slow decent to my core, as his fingers tease the only material I have left.

His callused touch circles around my center, drawing the sounds of pleasure from me. He covers my mouth with his, taking my pleasure as his own, delving deep within my mouth demanding a response. My whole body is growing hotter as my body begins to spike. Mason's loving words in my ear lets me know he will catch me when I fall, and then, "Chandler, let go. I've got you, let go." His words are my undoing, and he catches me as my body falls apart under his direction.

I am stripped bare by the time I have recovered with Mason securely nestled between my legs, and my thumbs attach to his waistband to relieve him of the confinement of his briefs. I explore his manly form by taking him in my hand. The heat of him sends a wave of excitement through my body that finds a home in my center.

He takes my mouth with a slow passionate kiss that makes my heart skip a beat. "I love you, Chandler. If we need to stop, let me know. It's not too late. We can stop."

"We don't need to stop. I love you."

He positions himself against me, taking one last kiss before his intense gaze captures me, holding me to him as I begin to feel him move into me. Never looking away from one another as we find our rhythm.

Every so often his lips touch mine, or my nose, or my forehead. He speaks words of love and adoration as our bodies climb together, tension building. He captures my lips and pummels my mouth as he picks up his pace. Knowing that we are far more than two bodies in a physical act of love, we both fall, holding on to each other for dear life.

Mason's POV:

I hear the soft sounds of her breathing as she is tucked in my arms. Her head rests on my chest, and I can't stop my hands from touching her. By some miracle this woman in my arms is in love with me, and I will be forever grateful.

I stroke her hair, moving it so I can get a better view of her beautiful face. The face I will spend my lifetime loving. I've known Chandler for more than a decade. In just a few short weeks we have gone from friends to lovers, and I already know I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I knew what my goal was before I pursued Chandler's love. This isn't a bit-of-fun, a fling, or friends with benefits this will be a lifetime commitment. Right now, in this moment, I am the happiest I have ever been, and with her it will only get better. I gently kiss her head and stroke her hair, trying not to wake her.

Her fingers move across my chest, but her breathing doesn't change. It's not amorous, it's caressing, exploritory even, but I can feel the changes in her body as she touches me. My hand rests on the side of her breast, feeling her pebbling skin tighten. The heat of her core is felt on my leg as she is entwined with me. I hear her breathing become more shallow, panting almost, and my body responds to hers.

Her movement against my body even in her sleep, lets me know she wants me. She is closing any distance we had, when through the soft sounds of her breath comes, "Mason," her voice full of sleep and desire.

"Yes, sweetheart." I say still caressing her hair.

"I need something." Her head tilt and her eyes meet mine.

"What is it?"

"You, please." Without hesitation, I kiss her, taking her lips with mine. I feel her pulse quicken, as I lay siege to her body, helping to sate her hunger.

I position myself between her, and begin to adore the beauty of the woman before me. I release the building tension from her body before entering her. She lets me take her with long deep strokes, and I listen for the subtle changes in her breathing, telling me she is about to fall apart. Holding her hips, I raise her to me as she comes apart in my arms, and I quickly follow. "I love you," is all I am able to say as I collapse in her arms.

"Rise and shine," Chandler says as she kisses my neck. "We're meeting in Deena's room in an hour for breakfast. You need to go home and get dressed. It's tacky to show up in yesterday's clothes."

"Then, I guess I better go in the other room and get my bag."

"I thought you said you're not presumptuous?"

"I'm not. I put it in the other bedroom. I only presumed you would let me sleep in the suite, not in your bed."

"I prefer you exactly where you are...beside me."

"That's good, that's exactly where I want to be."

She moves around so her legs wrap around my waist. "Really, you can't think of a better place you'd like to be? Hmm. Let me see if I can change your mind." And, she begins to wiggle into position.

"Chandler, you are a very persuasive lady."

We walk into the suite hand in hand, but easily separate to work. The distraction I felt being around Chandler yesterday, does not manifest itself today. I find it easy to be in the same room with her working. She is truly a professional, and is completely focused on the job.

Every so often I catch her eye and smile, but for no more than a second. I don't fight the attraction; I just tell myself we'll be alone soon. I know she loves me. I see it in the way she looks at me, the way she reacts to me, and the way she acts with me. I just hope that I am showing her that I love her, too.

My employees don't say a word, they don't look at us strangely, and they don't intrude on our privacy. I'm not sure what I was worried about. I guess this is the first relationship I've had since I began working at Cahill, and I was just a little nervous on mixing my private and professional life.

After a few hours we say goodbye to Deena and Tonya, and we are head out to enjoy a wonderful spring day in Boston.

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