The mysterious phantom student, Yuto Rebellion

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                 Yuya, Yugo, Reiji and Shun were sitting on the rooftop and eating their lunch, Yugo was a bit suspicious of Reiji. He didn't like Reiji so much going onto Yuya, but If Yuya is happy having friend like Reiji, then Yugo's happy as well.

- Wow Sakaki-san. Do you really won gold medal in the regional tournament? - Asked the silver haired boy.

Yuya nods answering:

- Yea. It was tough, but I won the first place when I was in middle school. 

Yugo sparks saying:

- That's amazing, Yuya!

Reiji said:

- Well, I won the regional tournament in ninjutsu.

Yuya asked:

- Really? You know ninjutsu, president?

He nodded. Shun said:

- Reiji-sama is good fighter, Sakaki-san.

Yuya nods saying:

- I see!

Shun said:

- I know aikido, but I never participated in tournaments.

Yuya said:

- Ahh that's too bad, but it's good to know martial arts.

As they talked, someone was watching them from the shadows. Yuya, having sharp instincts, turned around and asked:

- Who's there?!

The boy wore cloak and run away fast. Yuya blinks asking:

- Who was that?

Yugo gasps answering:

- Don't tell me...

Reiji fixed his red glasses saying:

- Yes, that was the phantom student, Yuto Rebellion. He's kinda shady person.

Yuya blinks asking:

- Why?

Reiji answered:

- He's antisocial person, but some students call him dark knight since he saves them from the delinquents like Zarc and his gang.

Yuya looked down asking:

- I see... But, why is he following us?

Shun answered:

- Probably Yuto wants to protect you, Yuya. Because you're hanging out with Zarc.

Yuya stand up saying:

- I don't need protection. I can defend myself.

They all nod as the school bell rings. They all went back to classes. Yuya was still thinking about the mysterious phantom student, Yuto Rebellion.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^

The delinquent next door ZarcxYuya (Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum