The dangerous gang

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      Zarc Haoudragon is known as the bad boy in the school. Along with his friends, Yuri and Dennis, he got the strongest gang in the neighbourhood. Zarc looked at the window and saw Yuya smirking and said:

- This place isn't for pretty girls.

He stand up looking at the clock and dressed up in his uniform, who was the same uniform as Yuya. He mutters saying:

- Again the boring school...

He took the handle of the door and opens it slowly coming out and locked the door walking lazy towards the school. On half way, he saw the purple with pink underneath boy and the red haired boy. Zarc said:

- Yo guys.

The purple with pink underneath haired boy greeted:

- Hello bro.

The red haired boy grins saying:

- Yo Zarc!

Zarc rolled his eyes asking:

- So, any news, Yuri, Dennis?

Yuri answered:

- Nothing new. Sora wants to face you off again after school.

Zarc whines saying:

- Again? How many times I need to defeat him? Ahh he's so boring...

Dennis grins brushing his red hair with his hand saying:

- Also, today we got new transfer student.

Zarc rose his eyebrow saying:

- Not interested...

Yuri smirks saying:

- I heard it's a girl.

Dennis said:

- No, no it's a boy...

Yuri said:

- Idiot, it's a girl. Anyway I heard that she transfered here because she hit her professor where the sun doesn't shine.

Zarc smirks uninterested and said:

- Probably she got good reason...

Yuri said:

- Idiot. If she's good we can take her in our gang!

Zarc rolled his eyes saying:

- I don't need little girls in my gang, Yuri.

Yuri pouts saying:

- You really are an idiot, Zarc...

Zarc got tac mark and yelled:

- Aaah shut the fuck up, Yuri! You're annoying!

Yuri shut up as Dennis giggles. As soon they arrived at the school gate, the other students made path that they can pass through them. Zarc heard their whisperings like ,,There they are. Make path or you'll get killed" Zarc got pissed off and looked at the students coldly and sharply as they all gulp scared. Yuri, Dennis and Zarc soon arrived in their classroom and sit on their places. Soon the class starts as the professor come in saying:

- Soo, today we got one transfer student. Please introduce yourself.

At that moment one green with red underneath haired boy come in blushing and smiling. Zarc saw the most beautiful smile on this world. Yes, that was his new neighbour, Yuya Sakaki.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^

The delinquent next door ZarcxYuya (Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V)Where stories live. Discover now