In the truck, while other goblins searched, one had found a black marker, breathing heavily at his discovery. He turned around with a formal look, swiftly drawing a leader like mustache above his lip.


"That is like the perfect mustache for those things."

"What are we watching? Should I be disturbed or not?" Shannon asked.

They speak goblin language at their now known leader, waving them to a package they couldn't open.

The driver scribbles down information on a little piece of paper before sticking it to the person's door. The goblin gasped as the driver headed back to the truck, warning the team.

Forgetting the idea of opening the lid, the gang of goblins push the crate out from the truck, the three hiding beneath the mail truck as the mailman slides the undelivered package back. As the human writes on a slip of paper, the three glance upward, their leader still trapped in a hiding stance.

"I'm confused, yet everything makes sense."

He slides the door shut to the back of the truck before entering into the driver's side. The goblins that were free had pushed the box out from underneath, waiting for their friend. The exhaust pipe let out a wave a smoke, startling the goblins. However, with luck on their side, their leader pulled open the large door laughing as he was free. With a jerk, the goblin was thrown from the truck, the other three watching as a sickening crunch caused them to flinch.

"Oh sh-"

"Hey!" The host cried out, cutting the student off.

The truck pulled away, leaving the dead body of the goblin, it's green guts splattered on the pavement as it's limbs were stiff in the air, a large tire track painted across the back of the corpse.

"Oh my..."

Someone laughed, "Why are his limbs so stiff and in the air?" Everyone laughed, even though something dying wasn't a laughing matter, the limbs being straighter than anything was hilarious.

Jim groaned, he knew they had the issue with the truck, but was not expecting this. In reality, what was he expecting?

"I thought this would be more epic, they look more brainless than scary anymore," Toby added as Claire snorted.

The marker rolled to the next heir to the throne, almost like what the amulet had done. The goblin picked up the black colored marker, sketching an identical mustache that the past leader had worn and laughed as he screamed.

"Seriously?!" Jim said, trying to stifle his laughter. "That's how they decided who was leader and that's where the mustaches came from."

"This is no laughing matter, Master Jim."

"I know but come on, it's amusing." Blinky lightly rolled his eyes but smiled at his Trollhunter who was laughing with Toby.

"I told you, not scary anymore," Toby said.

In the Hero's forge a machine quickly turned, releasing fire from the sides towards the trollhunter. With ease, Jim rolled from the fire but in the path of sharp objects. He twisted his sword, blocking every piece of flying sharp objects, He ran around Blinky who tutored him from the side, Jim still managing to block the weapons.

"This is so crazy to watch, I'm still in disbelief. He's training to fight for his life and others! I don't think I can fully process this."

"It's actually cool to see you train," a student mentioned as Jim smiled. He was glad that people were genuinely nice when watching this. He didn't have many friends, which he didn't mind, but he wasn't sure what people thought of him.

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