Annie's "Mission": The Alternate Story

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The raging battle between the two colossal beings in the forest of tall trees went on for a while, but it also came to an end. The female titan had roundhouse kicked half of the muscular titan's head off, revealing it's controller; Eren Jaeger. Not able to move because his nerves were still connected to that of his titan, he was stuck in a vegetative state and sticking out like a sore thumb. Not seconds after, the female titan approached the incapacitated Eren and widely opened her mouth to ensure the undamadged capture of her prey. She managed to take the goal of her mission from his titan and keep him in her mouth, shortly after, running away from the dangers of the survey corps that would try to take him back. Luckily the bout between them ended early, and she was able to get far enough to lose the other troops.

After hours of running away, she was still in the forest, given that the trees seemed never ending and the area was geographically large. The distance she went through was enough though, and she accomplished making plenty of space between her and the scouts. She had copious amounts of time to rest up before they could come close to reaching her, and that was if they even had the manpower and will to continue chasing her. The biggest advantage of resting at that moment wasn't just that she was far from her enemy, but because there was no titans around that area. Deciding it was a good place to regain energy, she stopped there. The female titan spit Eren out from her mouth and onto her giant hand, then placed him near a tree while she reverted back to her human form. Steam engulfed the place as the titan's pilot made her way out of the nape of the female's neck, revealing herself to be none other than Annie Leonhardt.

Like always, the blonde's expression was emotionless, but this time with a hint of frustration from everything she went through for her mission. She took a look at the young man she captured, the person she risked everything for to retrieve, then sighed. It pained her that she had to do so much for someone who knew so little, and would most likely despise her for what she's done, especially when that someone was Eren Jaeger. In truth, she admired him. He was the only one that actually took genuine interest in her, and she sometimes even felt a hidden excitement whenever he would spark up a conversation with her. The situation was dreadful for the girl, but she had a duty to stick to. She approached the unconscious male as her titan's empty shell dissolved in the background.

It suddenly crossed her mind that Eren, being a feisty person, would probably try to escape as soon as he opened his eyes. To prevent that, she used one of the swords from her maneuvering gear to slice through his forearms and relieve him of his hands. Since he had the titan abilities as well, steam started coming from the chopped off part of his arms to try to heal himself, but the process was slow. Remembering that she was supposed to rest, Annie took off the gear she had on and let it drop to the ground. A weight was finally off her, but the tension still wouldn't go away. She hasn't completed her mission after all, so her mind couldn't go at ease. Her stare didn't leave the young man before her, both to keep her guard up from anything he might pull, and to finally admire his features without fear of anyone noticing. It was indeed true, and she was slowly realizing and accepting it, but Annie had feelings for Eren. That fact only saddened her more because of what she had done. She exhaled in frustration because of the mixture of emotions she was going through, then punched the tree they were near to. After that, she looked to the brown haired boy and noticed he was laying there on the grass. Having pitty on him, the blonde dragged him even closer to the tree and sat him up on it. It was the least she could do for the one she had feelings for. As she propped him up on the tree, she ended up face to face with his tan features. Usually they only got that close when they were doing combat training, but it was different this time. She didn't have to hide her feelings anymore, because her life in the walls was most likely over. The stress she was holding, the emotions she was going through, being alone with the person she liked, everything was revolving in her head and she couldn't take it anymore. In a rush of sentiments, she brought herself to crash her lips with the unconscious Eren's lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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