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Three cats loomed over a small pool of water, there paws tucked under there chest's. "The darkness seems like the light..." The gray tabby tom spoke. "The light seems like the darkness..." muttered a golden dappled she-cat. "What that mean?" the Medicine cat of RushClan spoke not understanding fully. "That one's choice will tear the clans apart" spoke golden dappled she-cat. "Bone Claw?" the Medicine cat mewed. The gray tabby looked over to the Medicine Cat. "Time will tell" Bone Claw mewed. Acorntuff lashed his tail. "Rush leap?" He questioned him, for an answer, determined to know. "Wait for the waters change..." Rush leap mewed softly. Acorntuff growled at Rush leap's reply. "Honey rise! please tell me! Stop giving me useless riddles!" cried Acorntuff. The golden dappled she-cat looked at Acorntuff with her luminous green gaze. She twitched her left ear. She sat up to her paws. "For your fate will be the same" she calmly mewed. "Time will tell, wait for the waters change, for you fate will be the same" Honey rise, Bone Claw, and Rush leap mewed together. Acorntuff blinked, than he felt darkness fade around him. He felt as if her was...falling? He looked down to see a dark and grim forest below him. He screeched as he started edge closer and closer to the ground. He felt a stab of pain hit his left ribs, as his paws entangled with the branches making him flop onto his side. He yowled as he gripped his claws into the soft bark. He lower body dangled as at least a twenty to thirty foot drop. Acorntuff bunched up his muscles and lifted himself up onto the branch. He scanned the area below him, the ground was a marshland. The air held a dreadful smell of death and blood. He twitched his ears as pain washed over his body. "I need to get down" he murmured. He slowly started leaping down onto thin branches below until he got to the bottom. He shivered feeling the mucky ground between his toes. He walked through the grim forest. Whenever Acorntuff paw out lift up, it would make a sickening sound. He gazed around and froze.

He opened his mouth to let out an alarming yowl. It was cut off as a pure white tom tackled him. "Blizzard...thorn" Acorntuff mewed in disbelief. The white thick furred tom growled as his deep green eyes cut through the courage in Acorntuff's heart. "Never thought I would see you here" he snarled. Acorntuff than kicked Blizzardthorn off of him. The white tom yowled and fell to the ground. "What did I just do!?" Acorntuff screamed in his mind. Her heard and angry yowl and a threat. Acorntuff didn't care how the mud stuck to his paws, he just kept running. He soon felt his paws touch cold water. He kept running feeling his paws lose grip on the loose sand. He turned his head to see a raging Blizzardthorn, pacing at the bank. Acorntuff just floated in the water, kicking his paws to stay afloat once in awhile. He watched as Blizzardthorn touched the water. He screeched as the water burned the tips of his left paw fur. Acorntuff didn't care, and faced forward and kept swimming until he became exhausted and sunk deep into the water. He never noticed that the waters surface, from under the water was like the sky at night. Acorntuff probably guess it was like swimming on top of the stars when he was swimming...

"Acorntuff wake up!" snarled a voice. Acorntuff jolted up looking around in the pale dawn light. Acorntuff opened his eyes to see Mistfang. "It's Flowerleap!" the gray warrior snapped. "What about her" yawned Acorntuff, being him lazy self. "She is having her kits! My mate!" growled Mistfang. "Well, you sure didn't care about my sister or Lynxpaw" hissed Acorntuff, as he got to his paws. He ignored Mistfang's glaring at him with sharp stones. "Honeypaw!" yowled Acorntuff, taking his time. The young apprentice awoke in a jolt. "Go grab a stick, and make it quick!" Acorntuff added. The golden and gray apprentice nodded before shuffling out of the den and zipping out of the camp to fetch a stick. Acorntuff stalked into the nursery to see the panting queen. "Lynxpaw!" Acorntuff mewed. The furious apprentice looked at his uncle. "Go grab a soaked ball of moss for Flowerleap" Acorntuff mewed. The siamese apprentice nodded his head before running off.

What seemed like hours, Flowerleap had given birth to three kits. Icekit, a light gray She-kit. Smokekit, a gray tom kit. Weaselkit, a dark ginger tom. "Awe, they are so cute!" squealed Honeypaw. The night grew calm and quiet as the cats gathered around the nursery faded off and let the queen rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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