All, of course, usually about her looks and the ideas some men had about being with her. Though, the more honorable men wondered if they stood a chance at marrying her. Anari nodded in return, keeping it in mind. They walked for a little while longer before Anari pulled away. "Thank you for the walk, Lord Baelish, but I should find my sisters," she smiled. "It was a pleasure to meet you."

He smiled back faintly. "Of course," he nodded. "It was a pleasure to meet you as well, Lady Anari." He let go of her arm, though he brought her hand up to press a chaste kiss to her knuckles. Offering a small smile, Anari left him to look for Sansa and Arya.

On her way to Sansa's chambers, though, Anari found herself distracted by what people were saying. Pausing and listening, Anari's eyes widened when she heard someone say that there had been a fight near one of Lord Baelish's brothels. A fight between her father and Jaime Lannister. Feeling panic and fear course through her, Anari lifted her skirts so she could run towards the market.

Just as she arrived, Anari watched as Ser Jaime rode away, his men following after him. Though, her attention wasn't on Jaime for long as she hastily made her way to her father's side. "Father!" She shouted as she swiftly knelt down on the ground, not caring if her dress was getting dirty.

She took notice of the spear shaft embedded just below his knee. His sword was not far from him as she surveyed the area. Lannister men lay unconscious, which meant that her father and his men had knocked them out during the fight. However, as she drew Ned onto her lap, she couldn't help the fear in her eyes as she looked at him.

"What have they done to you?" She questioned. "What's going on?" She didn't understand, Jory told her about her father's concerns, but never did she think anything would actually happen. Not like this. Ned grit his teeth in pain, though he relaxed minutely in Anari's lap.

Shaking his head, Ned forced himself to speak. "Don't trust the lions, none of them," he said lowly, not wanting unwanted ears to hear him. "We're not safe here." He let out a groan of pain, his hands shaking as they pressed near the wound. Gently moving her father's head from her lap, Anari sat up and kneeled where his leg was injured.

Grabbing the shaft of the spear, Anari jerked it hard in order to break it. Ned let out a shout of pain, though he clenched his jaw shut. He knew it needed to happen, and, despite the pain, he was proud that his daughter knew how to tend to this particular wound. Slowly easing up his leg, Anari looked to her father.

"Do it," he gritted. Both of them took a bracing breath as Anari pulled the spear from his leg. Ned panted roughly, fighting the urge to cry out in pain as it was removed. Turning, Anari searched the ground for a sword or knife when she saw him.

"Jory," Anari gasped. He lay on the ground, a knife protruding from his eye. Moments ago, he was promising that he'd keep himself and her father safe. Shaking her head to focus, Anari grabbed a fallen sword, Anari began cutting away at the hem of her dress. She didn't care if she ruined it; she could make more herself later.

Quickly, Anari moved back over to where her father layed and tied the fabric tightly above the wound. She cut off another strip to tie over that one. The faster she stopped the bleeding, the better off her father would be. Maester Luwin had taught her a few things, but she was out of ideas to help her father.

Drawing him back onto her lap, Anari looked around at those who stood by, watching with concern. "Get the Maester!" She ordered, her voice wavering slightly. "Someone get the Maester!" It was like holding Bran after his fall, as Ned lay in her lap. He was still awake, but he was clearly in a great amount of pain.

When Maester Pycelle arrived with a few members of the City Watch, Anari almost found herself reverting back to the state of shock she was in when Bran fell. However, she forced herself to overcome it as she allowed Maester Pycelle to administer Milk of the Poppy so as not to make Ned's transportation painful.

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