3. Jurassic World

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As soon as I step off the ferry at Isla Nublar, my first thought is, Wow, Dad's really missing out.

The island itself is stunning, rolling hills of green against the bright blue of the ocean and sky.  Just the beautiful island alone is making me giddy with excitement and I haven't even seen any dinosaurs yet!

There's no sprawling crowds like when advertised on TV.  Instead, there are construction crews and equipment.  Yikes, must have been some incident.

I'm walking down the main street, staring at everything in awe, with what feels like a goofy grin plastered on my face.  But I can't help it - I made it! I'm finally here! The place that was a legend all my life and now it's real before me.

I'm so in awe of everything that the next thing I know I'm walking straight into something.

"Oh!" I even utter a cry of surprise.  I immediately feel my cheeks grow hot with embarrassment and hope that none of the workers saw my predicament.

My embarrassment only grows, however, when I realize that it wasn't something I walked right into, but rather someone.

It's a man who looks a few years older than me, with glasses, a beard, and wearing a button-up shirt with the buttons undone revealing the most notable part of his immediate appearance - the Jurassic Park T-shirt he's wearing underneath. I like this guy already. Plus, not to mention he is pretty cute...

And I just walked right into him.

There's a moment of stunned silence as we both just stare at each other blinking in surprise before we both blurt at the same time, "sorry!"

"Oh no, definitely my fault," I admit.  "I was way too in awe of everything that I wasn't paying any attention to where I'm going."

He grins.  "Well as an employee here I'm glad to hear you like what you see! Welcome to the park!"

"Thank you." What a nice, warm welcome.  This place just keeps getting better and better.

"Can I help you find something?"

"Do I look that lost?" I chuckle.  "I'm looking for Claire Dearing.  I have a meeting with her."

"Oh, hmm, she didn't mention she had a meeting, which is funny cause she's usually so organized, like weirdly organized.  But she's been under a lot of stress and pressure lately, so she might just not have mentioned it.  But yeah, she'll be at the control centre, which is where I'm actually headed, so I can take you there."

"Great, thank you." We begin walking.  "I love your shirt by the way," I compliment.

"Oh, thanks.  Yeah, I mean I know it was really serious and a lot of people died, but that park was legit."

"I couldn't agree more!" We actually stop walking and just stand there, grinning at each other.

"I'm Lowery, by the way," he says, extending his hand.  "I'm a technician."

"Jane.  Nice to meet you Lowery."

"You too." We stand there smiling, shaking hands, until we both finally pull away and keep walking. Lowery chuckles.   What a cutie. 

Lowery leads me through the park, having to stop and wait for me to catch up as I constantly fall behind from staring at everything in awe.

"Depending on how you look at it, you either came at a really good or really bad time," he says.  "Bad cause there's all this construction going on, but good cause there's no lines and it's not busy."

"Yeah, what happened?" I ask, eyeing the masses of work crews everywhere.

"Well... We had a bit of an - incident," he explains.  "But it's okay, everything's taken care of now.  Some things just need some fixing up."  There's obviously more to the story, but I won't press him.  So instead I nod and continue to follow him.

"Enough's enough Claire-"

"You're in no position to be here - why don't you go back to your raptor paddock-"

"Claire, Owen, please-"

Once inside the control centre, we're greeted by raised voices, obviously some form of argument.  The argument ceases and three pairs of eyes look our way when we appear in the doorway.

I recognize one person out of the three, Simon Masrani, proud owner of the park.  "I sure don't envy him," Dad mumbled when we saw the announcement on the news that Masrani had purchased the rights to the park.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt," Lowery says as all eyes fall upon us.  "But uh, this is Jane," he introduces, gesturing to me.  "She says she has a meeting with you," he adds to the woman, Claire.

The fellow red-head looks shocked.  "Oh um, I don't recall schedulling any meetings for today." She looks slightly frazzled, though she's trying to keep her cool.  I feel kind of bad intruding like this, especially when they're in the middle of an obvious disagreement.  "I'm sorry, who are you?" she asks me.

"Dr. Jane Malcolm." I extend my hand and smile that winning Malcolm smile. "I got your letter."

Now she exchanges a look with Mr. Masrani.  "Oh, I'm sorry Dr. Malcolm-" Now she appears embarrassed. "-But I'm afraid there's been a mistake.  We meant to contact a different Dr. Malcolm, Dr. Ian Malcolm-"

"-Ian Malcolm." Our words overlap.  "Yeah, I'm Dr. Malcolm, though not the one you were expecting.  And he's my dad."

('Jurassic Park' theme song plays ;) Haha I've been listening to it while writing this and it's really getting me in the mood! What do you think of Jane and Lowery's interaction so far? ;) Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!)

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