I Need That Book (Rose Lalonde x Reader)

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Pairings: Rose Lalonde x Reader

Summary: Rose has an overdue library book that you want, so you do the reasonable thing and track her down. By the way, they’re both in college.

Word Count: 1,144

Warnings: None! Just pure and wholesome fluff.

    “Wait what!” You yelled. You needed that book for your paper. You were taking a mythology course and it was absolutely necessary that you have that book.

    “Ma’am, please refrain from yelling. The book is due in three days, you can have it then,” the librarian said.

    “Oh, right. Sorry,” you apologized. Your paper was due before then, so you couldn’t wait that long. So, you went with the reasonable answer. “Who checked the book out?” You asked. The librarian looked at you weirdly, but, since it was the end of the day, gave you the name anyway.


    Now your sitting in the common area of your dorm looking at the slip of paper, on it written the name ‘Rose Lalonde’. You had your laptop next to you as you scrolled through Facebook, looking for a Rose Lalonde in the area. Luckily, the freshman group chat buzzed just than, alerting you for another option. If she was on the group chat, then you had her Facebook. You quickly logged into your phone and went to the ‘Members’ side of the chat and scrolled through the list. You almost scrolled past her name, but you caught yourself in time. You clicked on her profile and was instantly overwhelmed with beauty. You had to admit, the girl was gorgeous. You immediately loved how her hair framed her face and-oh, she had a little headband! How cute! Her eyes, well, they were a color you had never seen before. I mean seriously, how many people have pink eyes?

“Shit, now I have to track her down and yell at her for the book,” you grumbled. Luckily for you, she had tagged her location in something she had just posted. It was a picture of her with a bunch of other people holding a banner that said ‘Pride’ on a rainbow banner. Damn, you forgot that was today. Well, you did need exercise today. Time to get a move on.

You were tired and sweaty from running, but you were getting closer. You looked down at your phone with its mocking ‘5 minutes left!’ shining up on you. You saw her light blonde hair from a distance and, easily targeting it, started pushing yourself to go faster. She got closer and the timer on your phone ran out, signifying that you were getting faster and closer to her. She started moving away, however, and you’re losing breath by the minute.

“Hey! Wait!” You called to her. She turned to face you, holding a clipboard close to her chest, and cocked her head in confusion.

“Me?” She asked, pointing at herself. You nodded and jogged until you were standing next to her and leaned down to catch your breath.

“Yeah, I-I,” you panted. Your brain, luckily, didn’t think of what to say. “I gotta bone to pick with you.” And then you mind-kicked yourself. She smiled and held back a laugh at your wording, slightly covering her mouth with her hand.

“You have a… bone to pick with me?” She asked. She smiled fully so that you could see her teeth and giggled. “I’m sorry it’s just, the wording was,” she couldn’t finish her sentence because of her laughter. Which was, by the way, an amazing laugh. It was high pitched and full, not just the wheezy laughter some people had. It was actual noise that sounded like it could come from angels.

“I, uh, well, I think- yeah,” you stumbled through your words. You didn't think that you could go through this anymore. It was hard to hold your composition in front of her, as shown by your last sentence. How were you supposed to yell at her?

“Well? What is it?” She seemed to know that you were having second thoughts on this entire thing. You glanced down so you wouldn't have to make eye contact anymore and saw your book poking out from her purse.

“I need that,” you blurted out, pointing at her purse.

“You need my… purse? Hm, when we started this conversation, I honestly didn’t think you were going to rob me,” she frowned. “But I’m afraid I can’t just give you my purse. I make it a habit to not get robbed by strangers.” She turned to calmly walk away as you reached out for her arm.

“Wait! No, sorry, I- I didn’t mean it like that,” you rushed. She looked at you and raised an eyebrow. “I need your book.”

“Oh. You could have said that in the first place,” she said. She took it from her purse and started to hand it to you. “Hold on,” she suddenly said. You had paused taking the book from her to listen. “Why do you need it in the first place? Are you interested in horrorterrors or are you using it for something? Do you need it now? Did you track me down just for the book or for something else?” You processed the questions as she tilted her head in confusion.

“Well, I need the book for an essay due soon and yes, I am interested in horrorterrors,” you stopped to remember the last question. “Uh, I tracked you down for the book, nothing else.” Well technically, it wasn’t a lie, you justified to yourself. Her eyes lit up as you said you were interested in horrorterrors.

“Really? You like horrorterrors?” The tone in her voice showed both amazement and curiosity. “No one I ever meet likes horrorterrors, actually, they barely even know what they are. It's amazing to meet someone who shares the same interests!” She took a long pause in her speech. “Actually, let me give you my number. Maybe we can talk about this at a later date.” She took out a pen and, in your rush to not leave her waiting, held out your bare arm in return. She chuckled a bit and mumbled the numbers under her breath as she wrote.

“Oh! I'm (y/n) by the way!” You kicked yourself as you introduced yourself, something you should have done long ago.

“And I'm Rose,” she said, holding her hand out for you to shake. You took her hand and delighted at its warmth as you two shook hands.

“I'll text you tonight,” you promised. She smiled and nodded.

“I'll talk to you then.” She said her farewell and walked to organize some part of the event.

“Yeah, bye,” you said hazily. As you walked away, you couldn't help but mentally high-five yourself. “I just got a pretty girl’s number!” You cheered in victory. Looks like this wasn't going to be a bad essay after all.

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