Chapter 26

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The Next Day





Matthew's Pov

"It's working Carter! Its working!"

"Calm down Matt, we all knew she was going to fall for you again."

"Yah,yah I know but I'm so excited for her to be mine again. I'm not going to screw it up this time."

"Did you really kiss Cassie though?"

"Ew. No. Never, I still can't believe she did that she is such a creep some- all the time."

"Dude, why did you ever date her anyways?"

"I don't know she was the only that ever liked me before, so I guess I got all excited and stuff."

"Shes crazy dude,"

"I I finished The Fault in Our stars."

"was it good?"


"You know Kai read it too."

"Yah im taking her to the movie later today.

"She said yes?"

"Well.... I didnt ask her yet..."



Kailani's Pov

I was laying on my bed playing 'air wings' then I received a text message from Matthew.

-Did you ever read the book, "The Fault in Our Stars."

-Yes, I even told you its my favorite book💭

-Well, I just finished the book.... How about in a hour I'll take you to watch it, the movie.


-YAS! It was so good!! Even though im a guy...

-Matt, did you-cry?


-lol okey well let me get ready.



I smiled that he knew the "okay" thing. I stood up from the bed and went to my luggage.

I decided to a red crop top and a white & black polka dot skirt. (Picture at top)

I put on some light make up and curled my hair then put in a high pony tail. I stepped up to the mirror lightly lifting my skirt up smiling.

Why am I so happy? I'm just hanging out with Matthew again. I smiled big now.

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