The Stallions are Joined

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           Courtney burst into the council chamber, in a more controlled fashion than the previous event. The members looked up, not quite as startled, but still surprised at her entry.

 ‘And you, Lord Ishak, may take your brothers to Libyos and conquer the city of Ulayzbaar’ commanded Leopold in the very same position as he was earlier in the day; standing at the head of the table, holding map for Lord Palo Ishak to consult ‘Report to me once this is completed’

 ‘Yes my king’ answered Ishak ‘I’ll leave for Sighborl at dawn’

 He bowed and left the table, brushing past Courtney as he marched purposefully out the door. The Princess took his place beside her brother.

 ‘I would ask you what you are doing here,’ he said lowering the map and looking down at her ‘but I would receive an absurd answer, one of which I would save us all from being subject to’

 ‘If you must know my good brother,’ she smiled ‘I join you and your advisors on this lovely evening, with the shining silver moon illuminating this room upon a canvas of stars, because I can and I feel like it’

 Leopold stared at her unblinkingly. He sat down in his chair, a straight-backed stature, and contrast to his sister’s slouch.

 ‘I dislike your reason and also your mood’ he remarked ‘What in the world has made you so chirpy tonight?’

 ‘Quite frankly, good brother,’ she answered ‘I haven’t the slightest clue’

 ‘Fine’ he answered and turned back to the council members ‘Lady Norwell, you’ve received you report from the Ranger?’

 ‘Yes my king’ she replied producing a small piece of paper, used for messages sent by hawks.

 She cleared her throat and raised the paper to the light.

 ‘Wild-men have sent scouting parties to Yeournkarar. Estimated position of three-hundred kilometres from the city. Assumed arrival in five months. Ranger’ she read; as she finished all looked up to King Leopold.

 He pondered on this for some time, his left hand stroking his brown goatee thoughtfully.

 ‘We will accelerate all plans’ he announced placing his palms flat on the table ‘Marshal Tate, have the wedding pushed to just two days away. Assemble all those who must be there. Lord O’Hayn, band up every highlander with a sword that you can find in the north. Have them ready at the Shallows within three weeks time’

 The two members addressed, nodded in affirmation, got up from their seats, bowed to the King and the princess and then left the chamber.

 ‘Lady Norwell,’ said the king turning to the greying noble ‘send the Ranger two of our fastest horses. Have him investigate the Kuhl-Tartar camp. Record any movements and actions they may try to exploit. We must know our enemy before we face them’

 ‘Certainly, my king’ she stood up and left the council chambers.

 Courtney raised a hand.

 ‘Where are my regiments?’ she asked straightening up in her seat.

 ‘The Reneiux Mountains’ answered Leopold unwilling to glance at her ‘General Flanders, you will assemble the entire army at Caen Draogis. Every man must be armoured, armed and mounted’

 ‘Yes my king’ he answered getting up from his seat.

 ‘And General,’ continued Leopold ‘have Lord Armitage begin the conscription. He will assemble what he can scrape up at Caen Draogis and have them trained. I will arrive to oversee this in one month’s time’

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