"Thank you," Anari smiled. "I hope to find her soon as well." Though, before she left, she softened her features to give him a more genuine smile. "And perhaps the next time we meet, we won't startle one another." Renly chuckled and nodded his head before the two parted ways. Renly found Anari to be curious, she was a rather interesting girl, and while he by no means had any sort of bad intentions for her, he couldn't help but be intrigued by the oldest Stark girl.

It didn't take long for Anari to get to her father's study. She stood there for a moment, after greeting her father. Anari let her eyes scan the room to distract her from her anxiety. Ned did his best to comfort his daughter the moment she had entered his study. He could see the worry and fear in her eyes and it came as no shock.

Anari was so protective of her siblings, it was an admirable quality, and Ned was proud that of his oldest daughter. Though, sometimes he felt like she put too much responsibility on herself sometimes. However, he understood the way she felt, he had felt it himself when he had all of his siblings.

Though, in comforting Anari, Ned found that he too, almost felt choked with worry. This was not the best of times for Arya to go missing, especially since she did not know the layout of the city well enough. King's Landing was not like Winterfell, she would not be safe in certain areas.

While in Winterfell, the children could come and go as they pleased without worry, in King's Landing, there were not so many honorable people. Many would take advantage of a young girl like Arya, and neither Ned nor Anari wanted that for the girl. Nothing would really soothe Anari until she saw her sister in front of her, safe and sound, Ned having figured that out when his words of comfort had little effect.

So, Ned went over some papers to distract himself as Anari paced the floor. She dared not sit down, as she felt too restless to do so. Anari worried her teeth over her lip again, her hands twisting anxiously in front of her abdomen as her pale grey skirts flowed with her movements.

After what felt like hours, Arya and a guard finally entered Ned's study. Anari let out a relieved breath as she rushed to her dirty sister. "I've been worried sick about you!" Anari said softly, pulling back from the embrace to look at her sister's face. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine," Arya assured. It was not her intent to frighten or worry her family, but she had honestly gotten herself lost chasing that cat. Not only that, but she was halted by two guards when she was trying to reenter the city. It had taken her longer than she thought to return.

Once Anari was done fussing over her sister, she pulled back so Ned could speak to her as well. "You know I had half my guard out searching for you?" Ned asked. While he was relieved, he couldn't help but scold her. "You promised me this would stop."

Not knowing what to say, she blurted out the information she had heard. "They said they were going to kill you."

Anari paused for a moment, as did Ned. Someone wanted her father dead? Unable to help it, she felt a tremor of worry and fear, as well as anger. Not only that, but she felt determined to protect her father. "Who did?" Anari questioned.

"I didn't see them," Arya admitted. Though, taking in their expressions, she continued. "But I think one was fat." Ned sighed in slight exasperation, running a hand through his hair. While he did not appreciate the idea of someone making possible threats on his life, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do with the information if Arya couldn't provide a name or description of the person who said it.

"Oh, Arya," Arya's face twisted at her father's tone, as she wanted him to take her seriously. This news was important, and she didn't want her father to be caught off guard.

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