the call

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It was show night in Chicago. I wore a sparkly green and magenta suit, the way the spotlights reflected on it was a little distracting. We opened with Ever Since New York like every night of the tour. The crowd in front of me at the Chicago Theater sang every word back. The song was almost over when I saw her. Up at the balcony, pale skin, peachy lips knew singing along, her blonde hair waving as she danced to the song.

I tried not let it get to me, but it seemed nearly impossible. Now I had two distractions.

I slid the suit off my body, rolling the sleeves of the black button up I wore underneath. My eyes still traveling and finding their way to the girl.

"The first time I came to Chicago..." I fixed the guitar hanging on my body. "Was several years ago. And everyone says the same thing, you have to try the pizza." And then her eyes caught mine. They were a beautiful shade, I could see it even though she was far. "Wow. Someone people are like... There's boo's for pizza. There's a couple of gluten free people in the corner going boo! No pizza! Oh shut up!"

I talked about pizza for almost five minutes.

Not because I love pizza more than anything else in the world, but because my hands felt shaky and my body felt hot, a drip of sweat traveled on the side of my face, and I blabbed when I got nervous. I was nervous. I wished it was Luna but even from far away and though it looked a lot like her I could tell it wasn't. I knew it wasn't.

I finished the show trying my hardest to not let my mind fall back on her. As soon as I entered the green room she was all I could think of. She's been all I could think of since she left the hotel room in Las Vegas.

Jeff was staring at me as I sat there. He threw me a towel while shaking his head. "What's gotten to you?"

"Nothing. I'm alright."

"Okay. Let's get you out then."

I had to go through the fans to get to the car from the Chicago Theater. Even though there was a barricade keeping them distance, Jeff still arranged five security to escort me out. I stopped to thank a few girls that stood by the car before rushing in. As soon as my door was shut, the screams and the chaos stayed outside, and she was in my mind again.

The beautiful city passed outside my window. Tall buildings and lights. I finally decided to call Luna. It rang a few times before her face showed up on my phone screen. Her hair pulled up in a bun as she sipped iced coffee from a cup I knew was from Alfred's. I could tell it was still light out, her face was shinny and makeup free.

"Hi." She finally said.


I felt tense and awkward. I didn't know what to say and I wondered if she felt the same. I was hurt and I bet she was too. I regretted things and I could only wish she did too. I don't know how we fell into this position but it bothered me more than anything.

"So..." She chuckled. Her smile made me calm down.

"I saw a girl that looked like you in the crowd so I decided to call."

"Wow. I'm glad one of your fans reminded you that I exist."

"That's not what I meant."

She raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Where are you right now?"

"Chicago." I sighed. "I can't stop thinking about you, Luna. About how you left in Las Vegas. I don't want things to be that way. I just don't know what else to say and do to prove to you that I like you, that I think you're a beautiful, brilliant, lovely girl."

"I'm sorry for the way I acted, Harry. And for saying those things about you. I believe they're not true."

"I hope not."

She giggled. "I understand that you have every right to be upset over the pictures and the tabloids."

"The idea of having my privacy taken away, especially right now in my solo career, freaks me out. It's not you. It's me. And I should've explained that to you."

"Well, I didn't exactly give you the chance to explain. I was a bitch, wasn't I?"

"I'm still very fond of you, love." I watched her look away from the screen and pull her bottom lip in between her teeth, trying to hide a smile. God, she was gorgeous. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah. Just wondering how the hell do you do it."

"Do what?"

"That! This! I don't know." She sighed, shaking her head. "I don't know."

"I wish you were here with me."

"After what happened in Vegas I didn't think I'd hear you say that again."


I held the phone in my hand and the cold coffee cup in the other. Amy sat in front of me by the window as she painted her toe nails baby pink. We were having a girls' night and I was about to put a green face mask on when Harry called me. I wasn't going to pick up but I was glad Amy forced me to.

Hearing his voice and seeing his face made suddenly everything feel better. I could tell he sat in the backseat of a car and the light hitting his face came from outside his window. He wiped his face down with a while towel before saying something again.

"Come to New York."

It was like all the wind was knocked off of my lungs, like I got punched in the throat. Amy's eyes opened wide and she seemed to choke on air just like me. Harry had this effect on people. He said what he wanted, how he wanted, to whoever, whenever, wherever. He was true, genuine, and honest.

"I think maybe we should slow things down so the rumors die down and we don't get in a fight again."

"Firstly. They already got a picture of us kissing, love. There's only going up from there." He laughed. "And secondly, it was barely a fight."

"You screamed at me to get out of the room. Twice."

"And you told me to go fuck myself. But we're fine now, aren't we?" He grinned. "Look, I'm not saying that randomly. It's gonna be a big show, a bunch of important people are gonna be there, including Columbia Records. Will is coming so makes sense for you to come with him. But only if you let me steal you for the night so we can shag."

"Is that all you want me for, Styles?"

"I miss your beautiful face. I was hallucinating seeing you in the crowd."

"I'll think about it. And I'll talk to Will, we're supposed to have coffee tomorrow morning."

"Perfect. I'll talk to you later, love."

"Okay. Bye, H."

He waved a goodbye before I hung up.

Amy let our a squeak followed by a long breath. "Luna!"

"No." I said. "No. No. No. He's crazy. I'm not going. I saw him four days ago when we were fighting. Fighting!"

"So what?!"

"No. No. No. No!"

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