the jet lag

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The cab drove through Mallorca, Spain. The night was falling, the sky was orange, and the houses brick earth toned. I tried to use my little knowledge of Spanish to communicate and I figured I was doing something right when the driver pulled up to the Belmond hotel, in the middle of the mountains. There was a lot of green and I could see the ocean in the back, I was speechless.

"Gracias." I said before starting to pull my suitcase on the brick floor into the reception, the dark haired girl said something I couldn't understand, my hands were shaky and I was nervous. "Hi, uhm... Harry Styles..."

"Oh yes. You must be... Luna Davis." She looked at the computer in front of her, her accent was thick. "Can I just have your ID?"

It didn't take long, she typed on her computer and checked my name on the driver's license I never use, soon she walked from behind the counter, leaving the other girl alone, and mumbled a follow me with a big nice smile on her face. We walked through the hotel, she was telling me about the town, activities and dining times, but I didn't pay attention, all I knew was that I was in Europe, in the middle of a luxurious hotel with the most gorgeous view and about to see Harry.

Harry. He knew I was on my way, I texted him when I landed, and I couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same weird feeling on his stomach, the tingly fingertips and the heart racing, the anxiety. I was concerned about many things. What if we didn't click like we did in New York? What if he's an asshole and I was too drunk to remember? What if the sex wasn't as good as I thought it was? What if he didn't think I was pretty anymore?

My brain was driving me crazy and I tried to keep my breath paced.

"This is it. Enjoy."

And just like that I was left alone, standing in front of a wooden door and a light brick building, the sky on golden hour above me. I took a couple of deep breaths before knocking on the door, contemplating turning around and walking away, but before I could do so Haley was standing in front of me. He wore a simple white t-shirt and blue shorts, his hair was messy and his lips on a smile, his eyes met mine and suddenly I forgot how to speak.

"Room service?" I asked, his smile grew wider.

"Yes, please."

Harry held the door open as I made my way in. He grabbed the bag from my shoulder and followed me into the room after closing the door behind us. He had a living room area and right behind it was the bedroom with a big white king size bed, perfectly made. It was all bright, comforting, the light coming from the window outside where I could see the mountains and the sky, his belongings and a couple of clothing items laid around the room.

"Sorry, I tried to clean up before you got here." I left my suitcase by the couch.

"This place is beautif-" I turned around and his lips crashed into mine.

I didn't know what I was expecting when I saw Harry again, but there I was, in the middle of this luxurious suit in a villa/hotel in Spain, kissing the lips millions of girls would die to kiss. It took me a couple of seconds to recover from the shock of his hand pulling my waist and squeezing it, but when I did my hands made their way to the back of his neck and his tongue brushed on my lower lip. My inside was going crazy, my heart palpitations to the roof, his delicious smell taking over me every breath in.

"Sorry." He said under his breath.

"It's okay."

I didn't know what was happening to me. Usually I'm the one to break kisses and let them wanting more, but this time I was wishing Harry's lips were still on mine, and I wondered if he felt the same.

"I'm really happy you came, Luna."

"Me too."

"I'm gonna give Will a call and tell him, alright?" I nodded. "I think he'll be happy to know where the hell you are and who you're with."

"Yeah, I think so too."


The phone rang and each ring my nervousness built up. I was standing alone in the living room, in front of the sliding door that went outside, the pool was sparkly under the setting sun and the ocean and mountains in the back took my breath away, but I couldn't stop thinking about the girl in the other room. The taste on her tongue felt so different than anything I had tasted, and her eyes were way more beautiful as the view in front of me. I wasn't expecting her to come, but there she was proving me wrong, she's unpredictable and I, for a second, wish I had her for myself, not only for this trip, but for the other days to come too, because kissing her felt like a drug I just wanted more of.

"Harry!" Will's voice brought me back to reality.

"Hey, Will." I cleared my throat. "How are you?"

"Doing good, kid. How are you? Back in LA yet?"

"I flew in to Spain this weekend, spending a few days here."

"Lucky bastard. Some of us have to work, Harold." We laughed. "Tell me, what's up?"

"Uhh... I'm calling because Luna's here with me."

"My daughter Luna?"

"Yeah. We ran into each other a couple of times in New York and she's here in Spain with me now. I know how worried you and Renee are about here so I figured I'd let you know."

"Where are you guys?"

"Mallorca. We're staying at a nice hotel in the mountains, a couple of my friends are here too."

"Alright." I finally let go of the air inside my lugs, relieved he didn't ask anymore questions. "Just promise me you'll take care of her. Don't let her do anything stupid, Harold. And try to put some sense into her."

"I will."

"Okay. Call me if anything. I know Luna can be difficult."

"Alright. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, kid."

A weight was lifted off my shoulders. I wondered how Renee would react to the fact that their daughter was with me across the world, but knowing Will was okay with it made me feel much better about it.

I left my phone on the couch and made my way back into the bedroom to tell Luna what her dad said. I had planned to take her out for dinner in the villa, maybe introduce her to Nick and Alexa, but my plans went down the drain. She laid gracefully, stomach down with her hair on the white pillows, her long legs down the bed on top of the comforter, her back moving up and down with her breathing, her mouth slight open and her eyes shut. Jet lagged and beautiful.

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