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  "Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom." 
Søren Kierkegaard

Marcos grunts out as he rests Clarice on the small bench. The Strucker family was screaming and shouting at him whilst he and Johnny were trying to help Clarice. "Can you wake her up, please?" That's when Marcos snaps "Look, kid!"

"Look, your Dad was gonna help me get my girlfriend out of jail. I want him here just as much as you do, but we cannot do this right now. All right?" Andy takes a step back as Marcos goes back to attend to Clarice. "Someone go get Titan. Now!"


"I know, I know, Sonia. But Clarice is in bad shape and no one can find Cal, It's like she disappeared." John argued "We looked all over for her no one knows anything. So I've been trying to reach a doctor in Gainsville." She shakes her head staring into John's eyes "I can't get anybody at this hour." "Just keep trying. And we need to try to find a place for the family." He reassures as Sonia chuckles "This family... Who are these people? You almost got killed, Johnny."

Sonia pauses as she states "We didn't discuss this." "No we didn't." Johnny moves away from Sonia as he begins "It's about time we talked about this freelance job of yours. You just run off and pull this without telling anyone?" Marcos turns to Johnny as he deadpans "We help mutants in danger, John."

Marcos shuffles uncomfortable "Those kids are mutants, and you sure as hell saw the danger."


My boots crunch against a dead leaf whilst my belly grumbles. I walk deeper into the forest and hide behind a bush and grow a miniature apple tree and pick an apple off of it smiling at the fact that I got it closer to ripe then ever before. I triumphantly take a bite as I get rid of the miniature apple tree to leave no traces. 

I look down at my watch and begin to pat down my pockets then I search in my bag. "Fuck." I face palm. "If I could make it to the local hospital I could steal some but that would be to risky. But then again someone could get seriously hurt." I kick a rock and shake my head to the side "Or I could go back and get scolded and never taste freedom." I stop for a second the rock flying into my hand "Hospital it is."

I find my way to the small mutant hospital to see the sun had finally risen. I run inside and pull my cap down I run past offices and rooms but slow down as I barge into a blonde woman talking to a Doctor. "Sorry" I mumble as I run into a random room before they saw my face, as I enter the room I slowly pull my head up to catch the eyes of someone very unwanted.

"Cally!" Marcos calls out my name over and over again but I run away again. I finally find the room were they keep all the medicine I scan all of the rows till I finally find an SSRI. "Yes." I pick up multiple of the first one I see and run out of the building bumping into the same women from earlier but now she was wearing scrubs. 

I ignore it and carry on running till I see a Doctor talking to some police officers I stop in my tracks and turn the corner pulling my hat down lower. Pacing out of the hospital on my way back to the woods. I don't want to go back there. Breath. I don't wanna see Thunderturd. Breath. I don't wanna be treated like some kid. Breath.

I touch my face and feel a wet substances I rub my hands over my cheeks again as I realize I'm crying. I pull my sleeves I rub my cheeks as they begin to burn like my lungs feeling like they are being surrounded in water rain begins to hit my head covering my skin. Choking me.

The earth grips at my feet dragging me down to my knees. I cough out even more as the air whips me back against the roots.

I push my arm into my pocket and and pull out a bottle my hands struggle to open the bottle causing the pills to fly out. I shake the bottle as two land in my hand without a second thought I throw them into my mouth swallowing them.

"No! Stop!" I scream out as fire burns from my fingers I close my hands and dig my nails into my fist. I scream out as darkness evades my vision sinking me with it.

"Please can I talk to you?" Nedra asked Johnny politely. His face softens as he looks at the young girl nodding. "Go ahead," John coerced. Nedra played with her nails as she looked away not being able to meet his eyes. "Cally ran and I didn't want to worry you." Johnny coughed out as he crossed his arms "Why did you let her go?" "I tried to make her stay I promise. But, she said it was something she had to do" 

"Do you have any idea were she could be?" Nedra shakes her head as her eyes sting "No and I think shes hurt I can feel it. She forgot her SSRI's." she was now shaking Johnny hugged her and let the girl cry now all the thoughts that plagued his mind were worries for Callypso. 

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