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"Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like."

Lemony Snicket

"What can we learn from today?" I ask the group of Kids as I release the water from Kelvin's knee. "That" I begin "That we don't play on the roof" They finish off I nod at them approvingly. "Next time I see you on the roof I will let you hurt yourself." I smile at Kelvin as he nods as if he as scared whilst running away from me with the rest of the kids. 

I move the rest of the water and slowly ease it back into the bucket. I hear footsteps approaching fast and look up to see Shatter. Skipping hello's "Eclipse is coming in hot, medical help needed." I nod and follow him to the door to see Johnny holding on to Marcos immediately I run over to Marcos and hold on to his other arm letting him rest on me. That's when the presence of a purple haired woman came into my view and Lorna was now where to be seen.

"Where the hell is Lorna?" 


"Hold still. Almost done." I curse at Marcos whilst taping his arm he wriggles away as I finish. "I'm fine, Cal. We need to go after Lorna." He stands up away from me and leads "We get a team together and." "And do what? Huh?" John questions making Marcos turn back around "Get one of us killed? Marcos, we barely got away from a dozen cops. Now you wanna take on a hundred?" 

I slightly push Johnny away and look over at Marcos "We can't take that type of risk now." "Then when?" He asks "The X-men, The brotherhood, we don't even know if they exist anymore." He looks between Johnny and I "We are alone. And we're getting picked off one by one" I look down at the ground as Johnny defends "Look around. We'd be risking all these people. Everything we built. Everything Lorna built." 

The room falls silent and Sage storms in "Guys, we got a situation." "What is it?" Johnny asks as we all leave the room following her that when the reporter on the Television came to my attention. "Yes, and as we have reported, breaking news on the Mutant attack at Belleview High. We believe two young mutants to be responsible for the destruction." We finally reach Sage's room to watch the television "We've also heard the federal authorities will be involved." Images of injured teenagers settle on the screen as Johnny turns back to Marcos "Well, if it wasn't to hot before, It sure as hell is now." I clench my fists and mutter a small "I'm Sorry."


I walk over to John's desk as I ask "You seen Marcos?" He laughs at me and replies "No, Why?" I cross my arms over my chest and roll my eyes "None of your business. I'll just go look for him my self." "Don't leave the building remember." I begin to walk away and mumble "I'm not some little kid." 

"It's about Marcos" I turn around to see Clarice talking to John which sparks my attention "What about Marcos?" Johnny chuckles and leans back in his chair "Marcos is, uh... he's an emotional guy. So, whatever he said, don't take it personal." Clarice shakes her head to the side "No, its not about that. It's... he got a phone call from some guy. Something about helping a family. He ran off about an hour ago." She looked over at me and stated "Alone."

"What? Why didn't you tell me?"Johnny jumps up "Because he told me not to, and he didn't want to get anyone else involved because it was dangerous. But I was thinking about how I owe his girlfriend and she would be pissed if he died " I look at her with wild eyes "Are you crazy? You shouldn't of let him go in the first place." 

Johnny huffed out as he slightly pushed me back grumbling "Come on." "Well... where... Where are we going? We don't even know where he is." John turns back to her and nonchalantly says "I found you. Trust me I can find him." "I'm coming." I begin to walk over to him but he stops me "No your not." 

"What is your problem? I am not some child that needs to be protected." I scream at him as my body begins to get hot John grabs my arm softly and whispers "Cally, listen to me you need to go calm down." He stares me in the eyes and I shrug off his arm and turn away "Don't expect me to be here when you come back" I storm off away from him to my room.

Beginning to pack away my clothes when I hear "Are you leaving me?" I flinch at the sound and clench my fist "Nedra, What'd I tell you about going chameleon on me." I laugh but see her stoic expression "Your safer here then I am Ned. All I am here is first aid and I'm not even good at it." She grabs my hand and whispers with tears in her eyes "Please stay. I need you with me you'll get hurt when I'm not around."

I hug her tightly whispering "I love you so much, but this is something that I have to do."

Titaness * The GiftedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz