Chapter 2

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 "Now remember kids if anyone offers you drugs, say 'thank you,' because drugs are expensive!"


"Why did you screw it up?" Dyll questioned as I ran homewards. Kissing Bonnie was the worst thing that I had ever done to our friendship. "Turn around, you're messing it all up!" Dyll redirected my body towards Bonnie's house.

"No! You don't get it!" I protested trying to turn back but failing. Dyll had been getting better at taking control of my body. "I don't like Bonnie that way,'' I tried to explain, but Dyll was too adamant on 'fixing' my love life to understand that this was not what I wanted for myself.

"I have been in your head for years having to go through what you feel about this girl... I'm not having you wait around anymore, you're RUNNING OUT OF TIME!" Dyll insisted. He only wanted the best for me, but I needed to stop him right there, before he got me back to Bonnie's house.

"Hey! Let's talk about it... lemme explain!" with that Dyll stopped and we sat on the pavement. "Bonnie is not the one for me," I started.

"She is-"Dyll already started to protest. But I cut him short.

"She looked at me the same way she looked at each and every crush she's ever had," I pointed out, " You and I both know what that means... It won't last," I started explaining, I knew Bonnie like the back of my hand we grew up together for crying out loud.

"Maybe this time it's different?"Dyll said sounding small, meaning that he knew that I was right and he didn't want me to be.

"You had me shirtless in her bedroom, for Christ's sake!" I pointed out again, "She was probably paying more attention to my abs than a single word that you had to say..." I laughed.

"OUR abs!" Dyll corrected. "Let's go home..."


"Piere... Piere!"

I struggled to wake up, slumber pulling me in and engulfing me into peaceful bliss. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Don't wake up..." WTF! Who was this fool? I opened my eyes enough to see my mum's silhouette at the doorway of my room. "I'm leaving for work, don't leave the house, okay?" I groaned in response and turned over and back to sleep again.

It had been the same routine every day for the past 5 days. I hadn't seen nor spoken to anyone who was not a part of this family in those days. Even my phone and laptop were taken away, because of this 'conditioning' they had me doing. It was like a social diet and I hated it. I was actually starting to believe that the asylum could be better than this.

 I spent my last day at home watching tv and clearing the fridge. Life was  a shadow of great... I was finalizing on my packing when Sarah walked in. I kept myself busy, ignoring her presence entirely because I knew for sure that this serpent had nothing nice to say.  " So Bonnie has been blowing up my phone, and now it's blowing my mind cause she says that you've been blowing her off!" Sarah starts. "Oooohh! Did you hear all those blows that I just said?" She cheered excited for herself but I continued to ignore, clearly nothing important was going to come out of her mouth.

 " Hey! Look!" She stepped in front of me halting my actions, "I know I've been a bitch to you," I stepped past her and continued to clear my closet. " It's just been so hard to be nice to you knowing that we're not related," she ripped the bandage right off! Now this was important.

 "What do you mean?" I asked trying to seem disinterested .

 "Wait, mum and dad haven't told you yet?" she seemed surprised... "Damn... Then that's something that I'm not in the position to tell you," she softened, but I was on edge, What could she possibly be talking about? 

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