Gray Fullbuster x Reader

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Credit to Animegirl53 for coming up with the plot!

Requested by 『AkitaNorth』

(Y/n)= Your name
(E/c)= Eye color


Your POV

You laughed out loud. "(Y/n), that's not even the worst thing Natsu did!" Lucy threw her arms in the air. "When I first met him, he pretty much leveled a harbor! Some houses included!"

"L-Lucy! Y-You're going to k-kill me!" You choked out between laughter as you wiped a tear from your eye. At the current moment, you and your best friend Lucy Heartfilla were on your way to your guild, Fairy Tail.

"Hey (Y/n). I'm gonna run to the store really quick, okay? I'll meet you at Fairy Tail!" The blond celestial Mage said as she waved by to you, turning and running in the direction of a corner store.

Well you two were on your way together.

"... Meh, I'll just sit and watch the clouds go by for a bit. I've got time to kill, anyways." You thought aloud, then you made your way to a bench and stared up.

Your thoughts began to wander to your friends, like Natsu and Lucy, to jobs and money, then one thought hit you like a falling star. Your crush on Fairy Tail's Gray Fullbuster. Your face burned at the thought of him. You wanted to tell him your feelings, to ask him out, but you never got the courage to do so. That, and you had competition.


It seemed like she was always on top of him wherever he went, especially when he was around you. She knew of your crush on the Ice Mage, which is why she did things like that. Juvia wanted Gray to herself.

You grew slightly agitated at the thought, so you shook your head and decided to think of cakes.

Mmm... Cakes...

~ Time skip brought to you by lying cakes ~

You slowly opened your eyes, the sun over the horizon. You gasped. "I fell asleep?! CRAP!!"

You quickly jumped up and ran as fast as your legs could carry you to Fairy Tail. Lucy was probably worried sick about you!

As you turned a corner to run down the street the guild was on, something caught your eye. A half naked someone, to be exact. Standing with his back to you across the street was Gray, Juvia standing in front of him, hearts in her eyes. You frowned a bit at the sight. Then, it seemed Juvia was talking about you, because she moved her lips to form the word, "(Y/n)." From what you could see, Gray's ears began to turn red. But then the bluenette cupped his cheeks and pressed her lips to his.

This infuriated you beyond belief. Holding back tears, you turned and continued running to Fairy Tail, a new plan in mind.

Gray's POV

I broke the kiss and stared at Juvia. "What was that for?! You know I love (Y/n)!" I yelled.

"Well, I'm pretty sure she doesn't love you anymore." She said, smirking.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean she seen us kissing, and ran away." Juvia wrapped her arms around me. "Gray-sama, you're a great kisser~!" She sighed happily.

I gritted my teeth and pushed her away. "Sorry Juvia, but I love (Y/n). You'll have to get over me and find someone else." I told her before I ran to Fairy Tail, leaving Juvia alone.

When I got there, however, I was met with a white piece of paper stuck to the guild doors, fluttering gently in the wind. I hesitantly took the note in my hands and began to read.

Dear Fairy Tail,

I'm sorry, but I have to go. I have to go visit a friend of mine in the other side of Foire, and I don't know if I'll be back soon, or at all. But please don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Best of luck on your missions!


P.S. Gray, I just wanted to say I wish you and Juvia luck in your relationship. I know it's too late for me to say this, but I love you. I just couldn't come out and say it before. Goodbye, Gray.

I stared at the note for what seemed like hours, although it was only seconds. "Damn it..." I could barely hear myself say. Then I felt my free hand turn into a fist. "DAMN IT!!!" I yelled as I punched the wall of the guild, large crack forming. I had to get her back.

I turned and ran in the direction of the train station, crumpling up the note and tossing it on the ground. (Y/n) is not leaving.

Your POV

You dragged your feet as you walked through the train station and boarded the train. Your mind drifted to the note you left earlier. The part about visiting a friend was a lie, but you were out of options. You just wanted to get away from it all.

You took a seat by a window, putting your bags down in a way that would prevent others from sitting with you. As you looked out the window, you could see a slightly blurry but familiar figure running towards the tree. Then the figure became clear, the raven hair was unmistakable, although the figure was strangely fully clothed. Gray had came to see you off. You smiled a sad smile, and waved out the window. Then the train began to move slowly. Gray... Have an awesome life. You thought.

It didn't look like the Ice Mage was content with this. He began to run faster to meet at your window. When he finally got there, you opened the window. "Gray?! What are you doing?" You asked.

Gray grabbed hold of the window frame and hauled himself in, making you scoot over so he could sit beside you. "(Y/n)... I..." He panted. "I... Love... You... Too..." Then he pressed his dry lips to yours. Your (e/c) orbs widened at first, but you soon melted into the kiss, slipping your arms around him. After a few seconds, he broke the kiss, trying to catch his breath. "You're not... Leaving... Yet (Y/n)..." He breathed.

"G-Gray! Why did you kiss Juvia!" You gripped his white shirt, tears threatening to fall down your cheeks.

"She kissed me! Please, believe me, (Y/n), I love you! Not Juvia, not anyone else!" You stared at him a moment before nodding. "If it makes you feel better, she kissed pretty badly. Since it was forced and all." You giggled a bit at his comment. He smiled, then handed you your bags, then picked you up bridal style.

"G-Gray?!" You asked, confused.

"You're not leaving. You're staying." Gray said sweetly. "Hold on." Then he jumped back out the window, you in his arms, tumbling down a few feet before stopping. "Let's go back to the guild. Lucy has been waiting for you all day."

You nodded. "Okay. But Gray?"


"You're in your boxers again." You quietly pointed out as you looked away.

Gray looked at the reflection of you two in a window. Sure enough, there he stood holding you in his arms, wearing only his black boxers. His entire face went as red as a beet. "CRAP WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" He yelled out, making you laugh out loud.


Gray you ice stripper, you.

Alright, sorry that he may be OOC. Also, I should be posting more often now that school is over, so yey~

*cricket sounds*

Oh well, bye minna-chan!

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